Tascam D01175220A DP-006 Recording Equipment User Manual

16 – Commonly-used Functions
This section is a brief guide to some operations on the DP-006 which may not be immediately obvious from looking at the panel controls.
• Button names are indicated like this: REPEAT.
MENUeCARDeFORMAT, meaning “press the MENU button, select the
menu, and then the FORMAT action”.
• Complex operations are not shown completely in this table.
How to Execution method (buttons used) For details see
Format the FAT partition MENUeCARDeFAT REFORMAT “Reformatting FAT partitions” on page 82
Set the IN point /OUT point IN/OUT, F3, F4 “Setting IN and OUT points” on page 65
Edit the IN and OUT points IN/OUTeF2 “Setting IN and OUT points” on page 65
Use the USB connection Connect the unit and a PC with the USB cable. “Connecting with a computer” on page 84
Remove the USB connection Disconnect the unit from a PC “Disconnecting” on page 85
Import a WAV file to a track MENUeIMPORT/EXPORTeIMPORT TRACK “Importing to tracks” on page 88
Choose another partition as the active partition MENUeCARDePARTITION “Selecting the active partition” on page 45
Tune a guitar or bass HOMEeF1 [TUNER] “Tuner” on page 76
Find out the current partition MENUeINFORMATION “Viewing song information” on page 48
Make all of an SD card usable by a PC MENUeCARDeSD INITIALIZE “Initializing SD cards” on page 82
Format an SD card MENUeCARDeFORMAT “Formatting SD cards” on page 79
Create a new song MENUeSONGeCREATE “Creating a new song” on page 47
Create a stereo master track REC MODEeMASTER REC “Creating stereo master tracks” on page 72
Export a stereo master track to a computer MENUeIMPORT/EXPORTeEXPORT MASTER “Exporting stereo master tracks” on page 92
Redo one operation UN/REDO “Undoing operations (undo)” on page 58
Undo one operation UN/REDO “Undoing operations (undo)” on page 58
Name a song MENUeSONGeNAME EDIT “Editing names” on page 46
Un-protect a song MENUeSONGePROTECT “Protecting songs” on page 50
Display the song name (title) MENUeINFORMATION “Viewing song information” on page 48
Copy a song MENUeSONGeCOPY “Copying songs” on page 48
Delete a song MENUeSONGeERASE “Erasing songs” on page 49
Back up a song to a PC MENUeDATA BACKUPeSONG BACKUP “Song backup and restoration” on page 86
Protect a song MENUeSONGePROTECT “Protecting songs” on page 50