Tascam D01175220A DP-006 Recording Equipment User Manual

16 – Commonly-used Functions
How to Execution method (buttons used) For details see
Save a song MENUeSONGeSAVE “Saving a song” on page 47
Load a song MENUeSONGeLOAD “Loading a saved song” on page 46
Delete the whole of a track MENUeTRACK EDITeCLEAN OUT “CLEAN OUT (track erase)” on page 70
Insert silence at a point in a track MENUeTRACK EDITeOPEN “OPEN (insert silence)” on page 71
Cut and close up part a track MENUeTRACK EDITeCUT “CUT (remove part)” on page 71
Remove a section of a track and replace it with silence MENUeTRACK EDITeSINLENCE “SILENCE (part erase)” on page 70
Make a copy of a track MENUeTRACK EDITeCLONE TRACK “CLONE TRACK (track duplication)” on page 69
Export a track's contents to PC MENUeIMPORT/EXPORTeEXPORT TRACK “Exporting tracks” on page 90
Bounce tracks REC MODEeBOUNCE “Bouncing tracks” on page 61
Format one partition MENUeCARDeREFORMAT “Reformatting MTR partitions” on page 81
Restore a song from a computer MENUeDATA BACKUPeSONG RESTORE “Song backup and restoration” on page 86
Ping-pong (bounce) to ohter tracks REC MODEeBOUNCE “Bouncing tracks” on page 61
Metronome settings MENUeMETRONOME “Metronome” on page 75
Use the metronome MENUeMETRONOME “Metronome” on page 75
Find out how much time is left for recording MENUeINFORMATION “Viewing song information” on page 48
Playback a created stereo master track REC MODEeMASTER PLAY “Checking stereo master tracks” on page 74
Use the built-in mic INPUT SETTING “Selecting the input source” on page 51
Record a guitar INPUT SETTING “Selecting the input source” on page 51
Monitor the input signal in mono (or stereo) INPUT SETTINGeMODE “Setting the monitoring mode” on page 52
Change the track to which INPUT A/B is assigned ASSIGN “Assigning inputs” on page 54
Change the repeat interval used during repeat playback MENUePREFERENCE
“Setting the time between repetitions (repeat
interval)” on page 66
Use the automatic power saving function MENUePREFERENCE “Automatic power saving function” on page 77
Change the display contrast MENUePREFERENCE “Adjusting the contrast” on page 44