114 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
Chapter 7: Editor Windows and Context Menu Commands
is chapter presents a window-by-window tour of the Editor. Many of the Editor’s features are available
by right-clicking in the various windows to bring up a context menu. e context menus are described in
detail as we visit each window.
The Bank/Instrument Window
is is where you manage your Instruments and
Instrument Banks. is example shows two banks
containing a total of three instruments. A .gig le can
contain up to 128 instruments.
Bank and Instrument Facts
• GIG les can have multiple Banks and multiple Instruments.
• ese correspond and respond to standard MIDI Bank and Patch/Program Changes.
• is is where you cut, copy, paste and rename instruments and change their bank and patch
• You can also cut, copy and paste banks as well.
• Banks and instruments can be moved or copied between .gig les.
• is is where you toggle between multiple instruments to move or copy regions between