200 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
A fast portamento time (lower CC value) is excellent for trills over short intervals (up to a perfect fourth if
the lters are well calibrated) but not as good for longer intervals. Conversely, long intervals or glissandos
can be well simulated with slower portamento times.
Default Legato Portamento Mode
ere are no specications for using the default Legato Portamento mode; it can be applied to any
instrument regardless of dimension architecture or bit rate.
e Default Legato Portamento Mode glissandos from one note to the next like a traditional mono
portamento style instrument without using the formant shaping lters or extended portamento controls of
the Custom PRF proles. is default mode simply bends samples from an original source note to a
secondary destination note when the notes are played in a connecting (overlapping) fashion.
PRF - Custom Legato Portamento Mode
e PRF lter functionality is applicable ONLY to 24bit instruments
Much more complex than traditional lters, GigaStudio’s PRF and DEF technology introduces phase
corrected, 7
order, musically adapted morphing lters that were designed to deal specically with the
spectral coloration (formant shis) resulting from the pitch and dynamic transposition of samples. In other
words, the PRF lter continuously morphs the frequency response of notes as they are stretched beyond
their natural pitch and dynamic range.