168 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
Dynamic Expression Filter (DEF)
e Dynamic Expression Filter (DEF) provides a phase corrected, 7
order, morphing lter for adding
expressiveness before and aer sustaining note-on events. is lter can accurately and continuously
morph frequency responses of velocity dynamics even aer note-on events have occurred. e lter is
driven by either a standard midi continuous controller such as the Mod Wheel, note velocity, a lter
envelope, or a combination of all three. e morphing response coecients can be unique for each note
region and sub-region, making it possible to create extremely detailed lter proles. In other words, the
DEF can make a sample sound as if it were played at dierent intensities, allowing for real-time crescendos
and diminuendos of a sustaining note.
Note: the DEF works with 24-bit samples only
Some of the DEF settings, including enabling and disabling the lter, are dened globally for an instrument.
ese global DEF settings are found on the ‘Dynamic Expression Filter’ tab of the Instrument Properties
dialog. To open the Instrument Properties dialog, right click on a loaded instrument in the Editor and select
e Global DEF settings are listed below:
Enable Dynamic Expression Filter
is checkbox enables the lter. e eect may not be audible immediately depending on the
settings of the lter coecients in the region articulations (see DEF Filter Coecients section