14 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
Creating a New File
To create a new, empty .gig le, choose File-New on the Editor’s main menu. (e rst button on the main
toolbar does the same thing.) An “empty” le will contain a single empty instrument, with no regions or
Importing Samples
Samples are imported from individual .wav les, in 16 or 24 bit integer, mono or stereo format. As you
import samples, they are added to the Sample Window in the lower le portion of the Editor.
Samples are organized into folders, preferably in a way that anticipates how they’ll be organized in the
instrument you are building. For example, if you’ve sampled a trumpet at three dierent dynamic levels
and two dierent attack styles, you might create six folders with names something like this:
Trumpet legato
Trumpet mf legato
Trumpet p legato
Trumpet staccato
Trumpet mf staccato
Trumpet p staccato