52 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
5. Alternatively, the Keyswitch range can be set numerically in the Instrument Properties window.
Double-click on the instrument to get to this window.
6. You will need to reload the instrument to hear this change.
7. Now, triggering C4 will change to the Sustain samples and triggering C#4 will change to the Staccato
samples. Play C4 and then play the instrument note to hear the Sustain samples, then play C#4 and
play the instrument note again to hear the staccato. is is a two-hand technique: one hand is for
playing the keyswitch and the other for playing the notes.
Change to Round Robin
e procedure is the same as in the previous two examples. Change to the Round Robin this time for the
dimension controller.
What this will do is automatically change back and forth between the Sustain and Staccato samples every
time you play the instrument. Reload the instrument and play the instrument note repeatedly to hear how
this works.
Dimensions for alternate articulation parameters
While it’s usual for each split within a dimension to be mapped to a different sample, it’s also possible to
map some or all splits to the same sample. This can be useful because each split will still have its own set
of envelopes, filters, and other articulation parameters.