204 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
Downward Long – Controls the target lter settings for the Downward Long Interval as dened
by the ‘Downward Tuning Reference’ value.
e PRF/DEF lters were designed specically to address and emulate the characteristics of samples whose
pitch and dynamics have been transposed. For this reason, this musically adapted lter does not behave like
a traditional EQ, with one parameter eecting the next. Experimentation is encouraged. It might also be
helpful to use a Frequency Analysis Plug-in at rst to get a feel for each lter parameter.
Fc – Determines the initial center frequency for the Q0 Quality factor.
Q0 – Simultaneously determines gain, Quality (lter width) and a center frequency oset relative
to the initial Fc setting.
Q0H – is high frequency quality factor has a xed center frequency near 7.5 khz and is
especially helpful in de-emphasizing the harsh overtones of upwardly transposed samples.
V0 – Initially designed to compensate for any gain attenuation imposed by the lter, V0 can also
be used creatively to increase the dynamic range of an instrument, achieving
soer pianissimos and
bolder fortes.
Designing Filter Profiles
When designing lter proles, it is best to set ALL four lter parameters (Fc, Q0, Q0H, V0) for a single
interval set before moving on to the next interval set, i.e. once you select ‘Up Long’ you should finish
tweaking Fc, Q0, Q0H, and V0 before selecting the ‘Up Short’ interval.
For example, to adjust the ‘Up Short’ lter set parameters, rst select the ‘Up Short’ interval set.
Now trigger a note and bend that note upward by three semitones to hear what the current lter settings
sound like. Next, adjust Fc, Q0, Q0H and V0 until the transposed note sounds as close as possible to the
non-transposed note. e goal is to adjust the ‘Up Short’ lter parameters until, for example, a note
transposed from C3 to D#3 sounds the same as a non-transposed triggered at D#3.
Note: Once a parameter has been modied, it is necessary to rst hit ‘Apply’, then retrigger the note before
the new settings will be audible.
Before Adjusting the ‘Up Long’ and ‘Down Long’ lter sets, make sure that you specify the Upward and
Downward Tuning References on the main ‘Portamento Reshaping Filter’ Tab. e ‘Long’ lter sets
correspond directly to the number of semitones specied by these tuning references. For instance, if you set
the upward tuning reference to 12 semitones, the exact ‘Up Long’ lter settings will be applied to samples
that have been transposed upward by 12 semitones. Samples transposed upward to less than 12 semitones
(between 4 and 11 semitones) will be ltered by a composite of the ‘Up Short’ and ‘Up Long’ lter set
parameters (morphed).
Please see Chapter 9 on editing parameters in the Region Window for more specic details on adjusting region
specic values.