Playing a combination P0: Play
Here you can select and play combinations. You can select
the program for each timbre 1–8 and set its status, pan,
and level. You can also make settings for the arpeggiator,
external audio input, and sampling.
Selecting a combination
You can select a combination in any of the following three
• From the TRITON Extreme
Selecting by bank/combination number
Selecting by combination category
Selecting by using 10’s Hold
• From a connected foot switch
• By receiving MIDI program changes
Selecting a combination on the TRITON
Selecting by bank/combination number
1 Make sure that “Combination Select” is selected.
If it is not, select the COMBINATION P0: Play page
and press “Combination Select” to highlight it.
2 Use the VALUE controllers to select the combination
number that you want to play.
You can use any of the following methods.
• Turn the [VALUE] dial.
• Use the [ ][ ] keys.
• Use numeric keys [0]–[9] to specify a number, and
press the [ENTER] key.
3 Press a BANK [A]–[E] or [H]–[N] key to select a bank.
By switching banks you can select combinations from
other banks. (The key will light, and the upper left of
the LCD screen will indicate the selected bank.)
For example to select bank [B], press the BANK [B] key.
(The [B] key lights, and the upper left of the LCD
screen indicates Bank B.)
Selecting a combination by bank
When you press the “Combination Select” popup button,
a list of the combinations in each bank will appear, allow-
ing you to choose one of these combinations. (☞Refer to
the corresponding example for programs on p.20.)
Selecting a combination by category
When you press the Category popup button, a list of com-
bination categories such as keyboard, organ, bass, or
drums will appear, allowing you to select a combination
from a specified category. With the factory settings, the
combinations are organized into sixteen categories. (Refer
to the corresponding example for programs on p.20.)
Using 10’s HOLD when selecting a combination
When you press the [./10’s HOLD] key to turn on the 10’s
HOLD function (the LCD screen will indicate ), the
ten’s digit of the combination number will be held, and
you will able to switch combinations simply by pressing a
single numeric key. In this case only the one’s place of the
number will change. You can use the [ ][ ] keys to
switch the ten’s place. (☞Refer to the corresponding
example for programs on p.21.)
Selecting a combination using a footswitch
You can assign the Combination Up/Down function to an
on/off type foot switch (such as the optional PS-1) con-
nected to the rear panel ASSIGNABLE SWITCH jack, and
use it to switch combinations. (☞p.90)
Selecting a combination from an external MIDI device
You can transmit a MIDI program change message from
an external MIDI device to the TRITON Extreme to switch
combinations. (☞PG p.290)
☞ For details on the factory-set combinations, refer to the
Using controllers to modify the sound
You can use the joystick, ribbon controller, SW1, SW2,
Realtime Controls [1]–[4], [VALUE] slider, keyboard, and
a foot pedal/switch to control the sound.
☞ Refer to the corresponding explanation for programs
on p.21.
Easy combination editing
Selecting a program for each timbre 1–8
(Program Select tab)
Switching the program assigned to each timbre 1–8 will
change the sound of the combination.
There are three ways to switch programs. For details on
each procedure, refer to the appropriate page of explana-
• Selecting a program from the TRITON Extreme
by bank/program number
by program category
• Selecting a program by receiving a MIDI program
MIDI program changes cannot switch programs for a
Timbre whose “Status” is set to other than INT.
☞ For details on the factory-set program names, refer to
the VNL.
This specifies the status of MIDI and the internal tone gen-
erator for each timbre 1–8. Normally, you will set this to
INT if you want the TRITON Extreme’s internal tone gen-
erator to sound. Set this to Off for timbres you are not
using. If the status is set to Off, EXT, or EX2, that timbre
will not sound. The EXT and EX2 settings allow the timbre
to control a connected external MIDI device. (☞QS p.8, PG
Mixer tab
Here you can adjust the pan and level for each timbre 1–8.
(☞QS p.9, PG p.40)
popup button
Select popup
(Program Select)