More refined song functions
E-80 Music Workstation
Programming MARK & JUMP
The supplied songs in the internal memory come with
four locations already memorized that can be selected
by pressing MARK & JUMP [1]~[4] (page 43). When you
select a song that contains such markers, the indica-
tors of the MARK & JUMP buttons light. For songs that
do not contain these indications, the indicators remain
Editing and programming MARK JUMP locations can be
carried out as follows:
(1) Press and hold a MARK JUMP button [1]~[4].
Press whichever button you like. The display changes
(2) Press the field that corresponds to the MARK JUMP
button for which you wish to program a different
location (1~4).
The following can be done both during playback and
while it is stopped.
(3) Do one of the following:
• Start song playback and press the [WRITE¥MARK]
field. This inserts the number of the current measure
in the field that lights.
• Stop playback. Press the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial and use
the on-screen numeric keypad to enter the desired
bar number. Press the [Delete] field of the numeric
pad to dispose of the last number you entered.
Example: if you wanted to enter “14” and then notice
that you pressed the [4] field twice (“144”), press
[Delete] to get rid of the second “4”.
(You can also use the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial or the [DEC]/
[INC] buttons.) As soon as you enter a new value, an
[EDIT] message appears next to the memory number.
• Press the [CLOSE] field to return to the previous page.
• Press the [WRITE¥MARK] field to confirm your set-
ting. The [EDIT] message disappears.
Repeat steps (2)~(3) to program new locations for
the remaining MARK JUMP buttons.
(4) Press the [DELETE¥MARK] field to clear the measure
indication of the selected MARK JUMP button.
The indicators of MARK & JUMP buttons for which a
location has been programmed light.
Pressing a MARK JUMP button for which no measure
location has been entered (and whose indicator
therefore does not light) has no effect.
The MARK JUMP locations are additional information
for song files that need to be saved:
(5) Press the [SAVE] field.
(6) Press the [INTERNAL¥MEMORY], [FLOPPY] or
[EXTERNAL¥MEMORY] field to select the save desti-
If you choose FLOPPY or EXTERNAL MEMORY, do not
forget to insert floppy disk or card.
(7) If necessary, change the song’s name.
You only need to do this if you want to preserve the
original version of your song. The MARK JUMP infor-
mation can only be read by the E-80 (or a DisCover 5/
5M) and is of little use to other sequencers or SMF
players: they simply ignore it. So you might as well
save the song under its original name. Besides, you
can also save the song to a different memory area
(card or disk).
See page 52 for how to change the name.
(8) Press the [EXECUTE] field.
Want to save time? Here’s the quickest way to program
MARK JUMP locations:
• Select the song you want to program MARK locations
• Select the MARK & JUMP page (see above).
• Press [TOP¥|√] to return to the beginning of the song,
then [PLAY÷STOP¥®÷ª] to start playback.
• Press the [1] field to select it.
• Press the [WRITE¥MARK] field where you want the first
marker to be. This position is memorized.
• Press the [WRITE¥MARK] field where you want the sec-
ond marker to be.
• Repeat the previous two steps for memories [3] and [4].
• Continue with step (5).