Using the 16-track Sequencer
E-80 Music Workstation
The bar, beat and CPT values of the position the first data
of the source track will be copied to.
Press this field to confirm your settings and copy the data.
Note: Though you can also copy data from track 10 (the offi-
cial Drum track) to a “melodic” track and vice versa, this is only
useful if you assign a Drum Set to the selected destination
(DST) track. A drum track indeed sounds odd when played by a
piano, for example (and a piano part is not necessarily suited
for drumming).
INSERT allows you to insert space and shift data that
lie behind the FROM position further towards the end
of the song (this is the exact opposite of DELETE).
These empty measures can be “filled” using the COPY
function or by recording new phrases in that area
(using PUNCH IN/OUT, for example, page 183).
Note: This function provides no TO pointer. Instead, you have
to specify the length of the insert using the FOR values.
■TRACK (ALL, 1~16)
Allows you to select the track you wish to edit. You can
also select “ALL” here, in which case the operation applies
to all tracks.
● BAR (1~[last measure of the track or song])—Refers to
the first measure to be edited. By default, the FROM
value is set to the beginning of the selected track(s).
● BEAT (1~[number of beats per bar])—Specifies the
beat position. The number of available beats depends on
the time signature in the selected area.
● CPT (1~119)—Refers to the starting CPT position. “CPT”
is short for “Clock Pulse Time”, the smallest unit used by
the E-80. (There are 120 CPTs to every beat of a 4/4 bar.)
Change this setting only if your edit operation should
start after the selected beat.
Specifies how many bars, beats and CPTs are to be inserted.
● BAR, BEAT, CPT—See above.
If TRACK= “ALL”, you can use these fields to set the time
signature of the new measures (1~32 & 2, 4, 8, 16).
Press this field to confirm your settings and edit the data.
This function allows you to transpose the notes of
the selected track (non-note data obviously cannot
be transposed).
■TRACK (ALL, 1~16)
Allows you to select the track you wish to transpose. You
can also select “ALL” here, in which case the operation
applies to all tracks. When used with the [EQUAL] option,
TRANSPOSE is also useful for drum tracks. It allows you to
select another snare or kick sound, for example. Most Drum
Sets provide at least two snares, one assigned to note num-
ber 38 (D2) and a second assigned to note number 40 (E2).
By entering FROM NOTE= “38”, pressing the [EQUAL] field
and selecting “2”, you can change your D2 snare to the E2
● BAR (1~[last measure of the track or song])—Refers to
the first measure to be edited. By default, the FROM
value is set to the beginning of the selected track(s).
● BEAT (1~[number of beats per bar])—Specifies the
beat position. The number of available beats depends on
the time signature in the selected area.
● CPT (1~119)—Refers to the starting CPT position. “CPT”
is short for “Clock Pulse Time”, the smallest unit used by
the E-80. (There are 120 CPTs to every beat of a 4/4 bar.)
Change this setting only if your edit operation should
start after the selected beat.
By default, the TO position is set to the last event of the
selected track (or the last event of the longest track when
you select “ALL”).
● BAR (1~[last measure of the track or song])—This is
where you specify the bar position of the last measure to
be edited.
● BEAT (1~[number of beats per bar])—Specifies the
beat position. The number of available beats depends on
the time signature in the selected area.
● CPT (1~119)—Refers to the last clock that should be
affected by the edit operation. Change this setting only
if your edit operation should not end exactly on the
selected beat.
■VALUE (–127~0~127)
This is where you can set the transposition interval in semi-
tone steps. If you wish to transpose a “C” part to “D”, enter
“2”. As you see, you can transpose the highest possible MIDI
note all the way down to the lowest (and vice versa).