
Saving a Song to a Single
Disk (Playable)
Here, the procedure for saving a playable copy of a
song on the VS-880EX’s internal hard disk to a Zip
disk which is set to SCSI ID Number 5 is explained.
The approximate times which can be copied to one Zip
disk (100 Mbyte) are as follows (calculated as one
Recording Sample Rate
Mode 48.0kHz 44.1kHz 32.0kHz
MAS 17mins. 18mins. 26mins.
MT1 34mins. 37mins. 52mins.
MT2 46mins. 50mins. 69mins.
LIV 55mins. 60mins. 83mins.
(All times approximate)
1. Select the disk containing the source song you
want to copy as the current drive.
2. Press [SONG] several times until “SNG Song
Copy ?” appears in the display.
3. Press [YES].
“SNG CpyMode=” appears in the display.
4. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. Here, select
Select how the song will be copied.
Playable: Playable type.
Archives: Archives type.
5. Press PARAMETER [ ].
“SNG CpyTarget=” appears in the display.
6. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. If you wish to
copy the current song, select “1 Song.” To copy all
songs from the current drive, select “All.”
7. Press PARAMETER [ ].
“SNG Dest.Drive=” appears in the display.
8. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. Select the copy
destination disk drive. The internal hard disk will
be shown as “IDE,” and external disk drives will
be shown as “SC0–SC7.” The number following
each disk drive indicates the partition number.
For example if you wish to copy to a Zip disk,
select “SC5:0.”
9. Press [YES].
A message asking if you want to continue appears in
the display.
10. If “ALL” is specified as the target in step 6, a con-
firmation message will ask you whether you want
to initialize the copy destination disk drive. If you
wish to initialize the copy destination disk drive
and copy the song data, press [YES]. In this case,
all song data that had been saved on the copy des-
tination disk drive will be lost. If you wish to copy
without initializing, press [NO].
11. Press [YES].
“STORE Current?” (Store the current song?) appears
in the display.
12. If you wish to save the current song, press [YES];
if not, then press [NO]. If you have selected a
demo song, then press [NO].
13. When the Playable Copy procedure is finished,
return to Play condition.
If “Disk Memory Full” Appears in the
This indicates that the destination disk has insuffi-
cient free space, or that the number of songs on
the disk has exceeded the maximum number (200
songs) that can be stored on the disk, and that the
copy procedure was canceled. However, you can
still use the song data copied up to that point.
Chapter 7 Use with a Zip Drive
Chapter 7