This is a four-band stereo equalizer (low, mid x 2, high).
L in
R in
L out
R out
4-Band EQ
4-Band EQ
Parameter Value Explanation
Low Freq 200, 400 Hz Frequency of the low range
Low Gain # -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
Mid1 Freq 200–8000 Hz Frequency of the middle range 1
Mid1 Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the middle range 1
Mid1 Q 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0
Width of the middle range 1
Set a higher value for Q to
narrow the range to be aected.
Mid2 Freq 200–8000 Hz Frequency of the middle range 2
Mid2 Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the middle range 2
Mid2 Q 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0
Width of the middle range 2
Set a higher value for Q to
narrow the range to be aected.
High Freq 2000, 4000, 8000 Hz Frequency of the high range
High Gain # -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
Level # 0–127 Output Level
This is a stereo spectrum. Spectrum is a type of lter which modies the timbre by
boosting or cutting the level at specic frequencies.
L in
R in
L out
R out
Parameter Value Explanation
Band1 (250 Hz)
-15–+15 dB Gain of each frequency band
Band2 (500 Hz)
Band3 (1000 Hz)
Band4 (1250 Hz)
Band5 (2000 Hz)
Band6 (3150 Hz)
Band7 (4000 Hz)
Band8 (8000 Hz)
Q 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0
Simultaneously adjusts the width
of the adjusted ranges for all the
frequency bands.
Level # 0–127 Output Level
This is an equalizer which cuts the volume greatly, allowing you to add a special eect
to the sound by cutting the volume in varying ranges.
L in
R in
L out
R out
Low Boost
Low Boost
Parameter Value Explanation
Boost/Cut Low #
-60–+4 dB
These boost and cut each of the
High, Middle, and Low frequency
At -60 dB, the sound becomes
inaudible. 0 dB is equivalent to
the input level of the sound.
Boost/Cut Mid #
Boost/Cut High #
Anti Phase Low Sw OFF, ON
Turns the Anti-Phase function
on and o for the Low frequency
When turned on, the counter-
channel of stereo sound is
inverted and added to the signal.
Anti Phase Low Level 0–127
Adjusts the level settings for the
Low frequency ranges.
Adjusting this level for certain
frequencies allows you to lend
emphasis to specic parts.
(This is eective only for stereo
Anti Phase Mid Sw OFF, ON
Settings of the Anti-Phase func-
tion for the Middle frequency
ranges The parameters are the
same as for the Low frequency
Anti Phase Mid Level 0–127
Low Boost Sw OFF, ON
Turns Low Booster on/o.
This emphasizes the bottom to
create a heavy bass sound.
Low Boost Level 0–127
Increasing this value gives you a
heavier low end.
* Depending on the Isolator
and lter settings this eect
may be hard to distinguish.
Level 0–127 Output Level
Boosts the volume of the lower range, creating powerful lows.
L in
R in
L out
R out
Low Boost
2-Band EQ
2-Band EQ
Low Boost
Parameter Value Explanation
Frequency #
50–125 Hz
Center frequency at which the
lower range will be boosted
Boost Gain # 0–+12 dB
Amount by which the lower
range will be boosted
Width of the lower range that will
be boosted
Low Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the low frequency range
High Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the high frequency range
Level 0–127 Output level