After executing this command, you can press the [COM-
PARE] key to return to the state before execution.
Copy Song
This command creates a song from a specified portion of a
song in a cue list. For example if you have an eight-measure
song and want to repeat measures 5–8, you can use this
command to create a four-measure song from that portion.
Then you can assign the resulting song to a step in a cue list,
and repeat it.
1 In “Step,” select the desired step.
2 Select “Copy Song” to access the dialog box.
3 In “From Measure,” specify the first measure in the copy
source song. In “To End of Meas,” specify the last mea-
4 In “To,” specify the song into which the data will be con-
verted. If you select a new song, a dialog box will ask you
for confirmation. Press the [F8] (“OK”) key to create a
new song and copy the data to that song. If you select an
existing song that already contains settings and/or musi-
cal data, executing this command will erase the data of
that song and rewrite it with the data from the copy
source. Before you execute, be sure that you will not be
losing important data.
5 If you check “Replace to original Song in Cue” and exe-
cute this command, the “Step” song will be replaced by
the newly created song. If you execute without checking
this box, the newly created song can be selected later for
the desired step of the cue list.
6 To execute the Copy Song operation, press the [F8]
(“OK”) key. To cancel, press the [F7] (“Cancel”) key.
2.2–1: Ctrls (Controls)
Here you can set the B-mode functions that the REALTIME
CONTROL knobs [1]–[4] and the [SW1] key, [SW2] key, will
have in Sequencer mode.
When these switches or knobs are operated during
recording, the MIDI messages that you assign here will
be recorded.
2.2–1b: Knob B Assign
Here you can set the B-mode functions (mainly various con-
trol changes) that the front panel REALTIME CONTROL
knobs [1]–[4] will have in Sequencer mode (
☞p.221 “Real-
time Control Knobs B Assign List”). The functions you spec-
ify here will operate when you rotate the front panel
REALTIME CONTROL knobs [1]–[4] in B-mode.
Since the functions assigned to these knobs by the program
of each track will not be valid, you can make new assign-
ments here.
Knob1-B (Knob1-B Assign) [Off...MIDI CC#95]
Knob2-B (Knob2-B Assign) [Off...MIDI CC#95]
Knob3-B (Knob3-B Assign) [Off...MIDI CC#95]
Knob4-B (Knob4-B Assign) [Off...MIDI CC#95]
☞“Knob B Assign” (PROG 2.2–1a).
2.2–1b: SW1/2 Assign
Here you can assign functions to the front panel [SW1] and
[SW2] keys (
☞p.220 “SW1, SW2 Assign List”).
Since the functions assigned to these switches and knobs by
the program of each track will not be valid, you can make
new assignments here.
SW1 (SW1 Assign) [Off, ..., AfterT Lock]
SW1 Mode [Toggle, Momentary]
SW2 (SW2 Assign) [Off, ..., AfterT Lock]
SW2 Mode [Toggle, Momentary]
☞“SW 1/2 Assign” (PROG 2.2–1b).
2.2–1c: UTILITY
☞“Memory Status,” “Solo Selected Track,” “Rename Song,”
“Delete Song,” “Copy From Song,” “Copy From Combi,”
“Load Template Song,” “Save Template Song,” “FF/REW
Speed,” “Set Location” (1.1–1d)
SEQ 2.2: Controller