Setting COS (Class of Service)
Message Length
Number of Messages
Total Message Time
14 The current setting is played.
Press 0 to change the setting.
Enter the message length (1 - 6 minutes).
Confirm your entry and press a to accept it.
17 The current setting is played.
Press 0 to change the setting.
Enter the number of messages (5 - 100).
19 Confirm your entry and press 0 to accept it.
20 The current setting is played.
Press 0 to change the setting.
21 Enter total message time (5 - 100 minutes).
22 Confirm your entry and press m to accept it.
Message Retrieval Order
The current setting is played.
Press 0 to change the current setting (LIFO or FIFO).
Confirm your entry and press m to accept it.
Message Scanning with Information
25 The current setting is played.
Press 0 to change the current setting (enable or disable).
Confirm your entry and press m to accept it.
Play System Prompt After Personal Greeting Status
After a mailbox is entered, the system can be set to play the
system prompts after the personal greeting.
The current setting is played.
Press 0 to change the current setting (enable or disable).
28 Confirm your entry and press a to accept it.
Call Waiting on Busy Status
The current setting is played.
Press 0 to change the current setting (enable or disable).
30 Confirm your entry and press a to accept it.
System Manager