Panasonic panasonic Recording Equipment User Manual

System Components
Default RS-232C parameters are:
: 9600 bps
Number of data bits : 8
Number of stop bits : 1
Parity : None
Position 2”: When first installing the system, Quick Setup is automatically com-
plete and all ports are set up to handle callers with Automated Atten-
dant service (Please wait a minimum of two minutes for the setup to
Position 3*:When first installing the system, Quick Setup is automatically corn-
plete and all ports are set up to handle callers with Voice Mail ser-
vice (Please wait a minimum of two minutes for the setup to finish).
Position 5: Factory preset
System parameters are initialized and set automatically to the factory
default values (see Chapter 4) when the system is booted up.
* When you have a Panasonic KX-TD series telephone system with D-PITS Voice’Mail Integration
Notes: For the TVS75, the Main Card is used as the Port card and CPU card. It
performs the functions of these two cards.
You must return the Rotary switch to position 0 after using positions 1, 2,
3, or 5. Otherwise, system programming, user recorded prompts, etc. may
be lost on the next power up.
The RS-232C interface can be used to connect a terminal for system pro-
gramming or a printer for printing reports.
2.1.3 Hard Disk Drive
The hard disk stores the proprietary system program, the system administration
table, the voice prompts (about 40 minutes’ worth) and has the capacity to record
approximately six hours of messages from callers. The hard disk drive is con-
trolled by the central microprocessor.