Panasonic panasonic Recording Equipment User Manual

How to Use the Worksheets
Use the worksheets to set the VPS parameters. If you have
filled in the worksheets with the values which you wish to
set beforehand, the actual input operation goes quicker and
The top of each worksheet shows how to reach the setting
screen with key names in the System Administrator’s
worksheets and with key numbers in the System Manager’s
and the Message Manager’s worksheets.
Example for System Administrator
System Administration Top Menu + 1 + 4 + 1
Indicates that:
Press [I] in the System Administration Top Menu.
You will see the next menu.
Press [4].
You will see the next menu.
Press [I].
Now the menu described on the worksheet will appear on
the screen (Two types of screen: VT100 compatible termi-
nal and ASCII terminal). Enter the values according to the
Example for System Manager
System Manager Top Menu -+ [6] -+ [l]
Indicates that:
Enter the System Manager’s Mailbox number after access-
ing Voice Mail Service. .
You will hear the VPS guidance.
Press Mr .
You will hear the VPS guidance.
Press 1 .
Now enter the values according to the worksheets.