Specifi, *I irations
Port j 2 SLT extensions
-1 2 to 4 SLT extensions
dialing Method Tone/Pulse ( 10/2Opps)
‘lash Time 100/300/600/900 msec (programmable)
“PC Detection 6.5/150/300/450/600 msec (programmable)
Iype of Line
Loop start min. Loop Current: 20 mA
min. Line Voltage: 7 VDC
min. Ringing Voltage: 40 VAC
sxtension Numbering 2 to 5 digits (programmable)
‘ause Time
1 to 9 set (programmable)
Message Waiting Lamp
Programmable DTMF sequence, Data line of PITS
vIain CPU
16-bit microprocessor
Zapacity for Hard Disk 6 hours
\iumber of Mailboxes Max. 64
Vumber of Messages .
Max. 100 per mailbox (programmable)
?ersonal Greeting Message Length
8 to 60 set *(programmable)
Message Retention Time . 1 to 30 days, or unlimited (programmable)
Maximum Message Length 1 to 6 min. (programmable)
Mailbox List, Class of Service List, System Service
Report, Call Account Report, Disk Usage Report, Por
Usage Report, Mailbox Usage Report, FAX Report
Connections Telephone Line
Modular connectors x 2
2-conductor wire x 2
4-conductor wire with D-PITS interface x 1
Data Port
Power Source
Modular connectors x 2 (max. 4)
2-conductor wire x 2 (max. 4)
4-conductor wire with D-PITS interface x 1 (max. 2
RS-232C interface port
120VAC, 60 Hz
173 x 318 x 57 mm (6-13116” x 12-l/2” x 2-l/4”)
468 x 327 x 101 mm (18-7116” x 12-718” x 4”)