Panasonic panasonic Recording Equipment User Manual

Features and Services
Interview Mailbox
This mailbox is a sub-mailbox of the Subscriber’s mailbox. To use this
. mailbox, the Subscriber needs to get authorization by System Programming.
When a caller accesses this mailbox, a series of questions are asked. He can
leave his answers, responding to each question. These questions will be
recorded by the Subscriber.
The answers are recorded in a string in the associated Subscriber’s mailbox
and can be received together with other messages.
System Manager’s Mailbox
This is a special mailbox for the System Manager, who is in charge of the
overall operation of the VPS after it is fully installed and programmed. By
accessing this mailbox, the System Manager performs a variety of System
Manager services (see Voice Mail Service). Any caller, of course, can leave
Message Manager’s Mailbox
This is a special mailbox for the Message Manager, who is in charge of
managing the various voice prompts commonly used in the whole system.
By accessing this mailbox, the Message Manager performs a variety of
Message Manager services (see Voice Mail Service). Any caller, of course,
can leave messages.
This mailbox also works as the General Delivery Mailbox.
General Delivery Mailbox
Callers who are not familiar with Voice Mail operation, or who are calling
from rotary telephones are transferred to this mailbox where they can leave
messages. Messages left in this mailbox are received by the Message Manager
and then transferred to each Subscriber. The General Delivery Mailbox and
the Message Manager’s mailbox are one and the same.
Creatiw a Mailbox
The System Administrator or the System Manager creates Subscriber’s
Usually, the Subscriber’s extension number is assigned as the
mailbox number.
On the other hand, the System Manager’s mailbox and the Message Manager’s
mailbox have been already installed in the VPS at the factory with the
following numbers.
Number of Digits
2 3 4
System Manager’s
Mailbox Number
Message Manager’s
Mailbox Number
99 999 9999 99999
98 998 9998 99998
3-34 Features