Overview of the Fantom
In the Performance Mode or
Multitimbre Mode
The multi-effects, chorus and reverb effects can be set individually
for each performance and multitimbre. The intensity of each effect
will be set for each part (Fig. 1), but the Send Level setting for each
tone can also influence effect intensity (Fig. 2).
When you apply effects in Performance mode or Multitimbre mode,
the effect settings of the patch or rhythm set assigned to each part
will be ignored, and the effect settings of the performance or
multitimbre will be used. Thus, the effects for the same patch or
rhythm set may differ when played in Patch mode and in
Performance/Multitimbre mode. However, depending on the
settings, you can have effect settings for a patch or rhythm set
assigned to a part applied to the entire performance/multitimbre (p.
173, p. 174). In addition, when using the multi-effects settings of a
performance or multitimbre, you can use three different multi-effects
simultaneously, depending on the effect type (p. 175).
About the Sequencer
A sequencer records keyboard performance and controller
movements as MIDI messages (sequencer data). As the data plays
back, the recorded MIDI messages are sent to a sound generator
which will produce the required sounds. The sequencer actually
plays instruments instead of the musician, and since it can record a
musical performance, it is a tape recorder as well.
But in reality a sequencer doesn’t record sound, but actually the
steps that cause the sound generator to produce sound, so it offers
several advantages. Sound quality is always excellent, the equivalent
of first-generation tape, no matter how many times the data plays
back; tempo changes have no effect on pitch; detailed editing is
possible, etc.
What Is a Song?
For the Fantom, musical performance data for one song or
composition is referred to as a song. A song combines sequencer
data recorded on Phrase tracks 1–16, a Tempo track, a Beat track and
a Pattern track, as discussed below.
What Is a Track?
Each section of a song which stores musical performance data is
called a track.
Phrase Tracks 1–16
Phrase tracks record the musical performance. Each Phrase track
records musical performance data for 16 MIDI channels. Totally, up
to 16 tracks x 16 MIDI channels of data can be recorded. It’s helpful if
you’ve made decision prior to recording such as recording melody
on Phrase track 1, bass on Phrase track 2, drums on Phrase track 10,
and accompaniment on the remaining Phrase tracks.
Part 1
Part 1
Fig.1 – When Output Assign parameter is set to “MFX”
(the output settings for Tone are ignored)
Fig.2 – When Output Assign parameter is set to “PAT”
(the output settings for Tone are valid)
Phrase track 16
Phrase track 2
Phrase track 1
Tempo track
Beat track
Pattern track