Creating a Patch
Modifying the Brightness of a
Sound with a Filter (TVF)
For details on the setting, refer to “How to Make the Patch
Settings” (p. 42).
Filter Type
Selects the type of filter. A filter is a function that cuts off a specific
frequency band to change a sounds brightness, thickness, and other
OFF: No filter is used.
LPF: Low Pass Filter. This reduces the volume of all frequencies
above the cutoff frequency (Cutoff Freq). in order to round off, or
un-brighten, the sound. This is the most common filter used in
BPF: Band Pass Filter. This leaves only the frequencies in the region
of the cutoff frequency (Cutoff Freq), and cuts the rest. This can be
useful when creating distinctive sounds.
HPF: High Pass Filter. This cuts the frequencies in the region below
the cutoff frequency (Cutoff Freq). This is suitable for creating
percussive sounds emphasizing their higher ones.
PKG: Peaking Filter. This emphasizes the frequencies in the region
of the cutoff frequency (Cutoff Freq). You can use this to create wah-
wah effects by employing an LFO to change the cutoff frequency
LPF2: Low Pass Filter 2. Although frequency components above the
Cutoff frequency (Cutoff Freq) are cut, the sensitivity of this filter is
half that of the LPF. This makes it a comparatively warmer low pass
filter. This filter is good for use with simulated instrument sounds
such as the acoustic piano.
LPF3: Low Pass Filter 3. Although frequency components above the
Cutoff frequency (Cutoff Freq) are cut, the sensitivity of this filter
changes according to the Cutoff frequency. While this filter is also
good for use with simulated acoustic instrument sounds, the nuance
it exhibits differs from that of the LPF2, even with the same TVF
Envelope settings.
If you set “LPF2” or “LPF3,” the setting for the Resonance
parameter will be ignored.
Cutoff Freq (Cutoff Frequency) ★
Selects the frequency at which the filter begins to have an effect on
the waveform’s frequency components.
Value: 0–127
With “LPF/LPF2/LPF3” selected for the Filter Type parameter,
lower cutoff frequency settings reduce a tone’s upper harmonics for
a more rounded, warmer sound. Higher settings make it sound
If “BPF” is selected, harmonic components will change depending
on the TVF Cutoff Frequency setting. This can be useful when
creating distinctive sounds.
With “HPF” selected, higher Cutoff Frequency settings will reduce
lower harmonics to emphasize just the brighter components of the
With “PKG” selected, the harmonics to be emphasized will vary
depending on Cutoff Frequency setting.
To edit the overall patch while preserving the relative
differences in the Cutoff Frequency values set for each tone, set
the Cutoff Offset parameter (PATCH/General) (p. 47).
Cutoff KF (Cutoff Frequency Key Follow)
Use this parameter if you want the cutoff frequency to change
according to the key that is pressed. Relative to the cutoff frequency
at the C4 key (center C), positive (+) settings will cause the cutoff
frequency to rise for notes higher than C4, and negative (-) settings
will cause the cutoff frequency to fall for notes higher than C4.
Larger settings will produce greater change.
Value: -200, -190, -180, -170, -160, -150, -140, -130, -120, -110, -100, -90,
-80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50, +60, +70,
+80, +90, +100, +110, +120, +130, +140, +150, +160, +170, +180, +190,
fig.Cutoff KF.e
The cutoff frequency key follow setting appearing at the lower
part of the TVF settings screen graphically depict the current
values of the settings. Solid lines represent the cutoff frequency
key follow setting, while dotted lines are used for the TVA bias
settings. This lets you compare the TVF cutoff frequency key
follow setting and the TVA bias settings while you make
C4C3C2C1 C5 C6 C7
Cutoff frequency