37: LS6: Rotary Speaker
This effect simulates a rotary speaker, and obtains a more realis-
tic sound by simulating the rotor in the low range and the horn
in the high range separately. The effect also simulates the stereo
microphone settings.
: Horn Acceleration, : Rotor Acceleration
On a real rotary speaker, the rotation speed is accelerated or deceler-
ated gradually after you switch the speed. The “Horn Acceleration”
parameter sets the speed at which the rotation is accelerated or
: Mic Distance, : Mic Spread
This is a simulation of stereo microphone settings.
38: LS7: Center Canceller
When a stereo music source is input to this effect, parts that are
panned to the center (such as vocals and lead guitar) will be
erased. In addition, you can control the pitch.
These algorithms can be selected for an insert effect if “Select
Eff Type” is set to “1in2outx2”.
Effects GT1–VO2 are multi-effects for guitar/bass/vocal, and
contain three to five effects connected in series.
Algorithm number: Category number: Algorithm name
[Name of effect in the chain]
39: GT1: Guitar Multi1
[Dist, NR, Cho/Fl, S.Dly]
The chain structure of each multi-effect is shown below.
For an explanation of the parameters of each effect in the chain,
refer to “Effects within multi-effect programs GT1–VO2, and
their parameters” on the following page.
GT1 – GT6
Category: Guitar multi
39: GT1: Guitar Multi1
[Dist, NR, Cho/Fl, S.Dly]
40: GT2: Guitar Multi2
[Wah, Dist, NR, Delay]
41: GT3: Guitar Multi3
[Dist, NR, AmpSim, CabRes, Delay]
42: GT4: Guitar Multi4
[Comp, P4EQ, AmpSim, Cho/Fl, S.Dly]
43: GT5: Guitar Multi5
[Wah, Comp, P4EQ, Cho/Fl, S.Dly]
44: GT6: Guitar Multi6
[Comp, P4EQ, Pitch, Delay]
AS1 – AS3
Category: Guitar amp simulator
45: AS1: Amp Simulator1
[NR, AmpSim, CabRes, Cho/Fl, S.Dly]
46: AS2: Amp Simulator2
[NR, AmpSim, CabRes, Treml, Delay]
47: AS3: Amp Simulator3
[NR, AmpSim, CabRes, Phaser, Delay]
Time (ER Time [msec]).............. 10...1600ms Sets the time length of early reflection
PreDly (Pre Delay [msec])............. 0...200ms Sets the time taken from the original
sound to the first early reflection
EQTrim (EQ Trim)................................0...100 Sets the input level of EQ applied to the
effect sound
LEQG (Pre LEQ Gain [dB]).......–15.0...+15.0 Sets the gain of Low EQ
HEQG (Pre HEQ Gain [dB])......–15.0...+15.0 Sets the gain of High EQ
Mix (Wet/Dry).................Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet Sets the balance between the effect and
dry sounds
ODSW (OverDrive SW)......................Off, On Overdrive on/off
DGain (OverDrive Gain)......................0...100 Degree of distortion
DLevel (OverDrive Level)....................0...100 Output level of overdrive
DTone (OverDrive Tone) ....................... 0...15 Tone of overdrive
SPsim (Speaker Simulator).................Off, On Speaker simulation on/off
Mode (Mode Switch)..................Rotate, Stop Switches between speaker rotation and
Speed (Speed Switch)...................Slow, Fast Switches the speaker rotation speed
between slow and fast
RotAcc (Rotor Acceleration) ............... 0...100 Determines how quickly the rotor rotation
speed in the low range is switched
Rotor (Rotor Ratio)...............Stop, 0.50...2.00 Adjusts the (low-range side) rotor rota-
tion speed. Standard value is 1.00.
Selecting “Stop” will stop the rotation
HrnAcc (Horn Acceleration)................0...100 How quickly the horn rotation speed in
the high range is switched
Horn (Horn Ratio)................Stop, 0.50...2.00 Adjusts the (high-range side) horn rota-
tion speed. Standard value is 1.00.
Selecting “Stop” will stop the rotation
HRBal (Horn/Rotor Balance) ................Rotor,
1...99, Horn
Sets the level balance between the high-
range horn and low-range rotor
MicDst (Mic Distance).........................0...100 Sets the distance between the micro-
phone and rotary speaker
Spread (Mic Spread)...........................0...100 Sets the angle of left and right micro-
Mix (Wet/Dry).................Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet Sets the balance between the effect and
dry sounds
Pitch (Pitch) ...............................–12...0...+12 Sets the amount of pitch shift in steps of
a semitone
Adjust (Adjust).......................L50...CNT...R50 Sets the cancelling position
Himix (Center Hi mix)..........................0...100 Sets the mixing amount of the high-fre-
quency portion of the center position
Lomix (Center Lo mix).........................0...100 Sets the mixing amount of the low-fre-
quency portion of the center position
Insert (1in2outx2)