Channel fader or EQ does not work
Fader does not work
During playback, the channel faders whose [TRACK
STATUS] is REC are used to adjust the input level; the
playback level is fixed at unity.
→ If you set [TRACK STATUS] to PLAY, you will be able to
adjust the playback level.
When pairing is on, the even-numbered faders of chan-
nels 1–6 will not function.
The audio level of paired channels is controlled by the
fader of the odd-numbered channel at the left.
If you switch pairing off after channels were paired, or if
you recall a scene, the audio level of a channel may not
match the position of the fader.
→ Raise or lower the fader so that it matches the actual vol-
ume level.
EQ does not work
The input can be adjusted by the Input EQ; the Channel
EQ will not affect the input.
→ Adjust the input EQ in the [INPUT/OUTPUT/SOLO]
“InEq1–4” tab page.
The playback can be adjusted by the Channel EQ; the In-
put EQ will not affect the playback.
→ Adjust the channel EQ in the [EQ] “Eq1–4,” “Eq5–8,” or
“Eq9–12” tab page.
The Input EQ cannot be applied to the digital input or
rhythm. Input EQ can be used only on the analog input.
Can’t record
The D1200’s [CHANNEL] fader may be lowered.
(When the [BOUNCE] “RecMode” tab page “SelectRec-
Mode” setting is at “Input.”)
The D1200’s [MASTER] fader may be lowered.
(When the [BOUNCE] “RecMode” tab page “SelectRec-
Mode” setting is at “Bounce.”)
Is [TRACK STATUS] set to REC for the recording-desti-
nation track?
Is there enough space on the drive?
→ Set the counter display to “FreeTime,” and check the
available recording time. (→p.32, 84)
→ Increase the free space on the song drive by deleting un-
wanted songs or songs you have already backed up.
(→p.68, 102)
Is the input source you want to record assigned to a mix-
er channel?
→ In the [INPUT/OUTPUT/SOLO] “Ch1–6” or “Ch7–12”
tab page, assign the input source to a mixer channel.
Is the recording mode (“Select RecMode”) appropriate?
(→p.53, 92)
Can’t use digital input
If you want to use digital input, go to the [INPUT/OUT-
PUT/SOLO] “Ch1–6” or “Ch7–12” tab page and turn the
“DigiIn” button “On,” and assign the digital input to the
input of the desired channel. (→p.37)
Is the sampling rate of the digital input supported?
→ Sampling rates of 96 kHz are not supported.
The input or recorded sound is noisy
or distorted
Is the [TRIM] knob set appropriately? The sound will be
distorted if [TRIM] is set too high, and noisy if it is set too
→ In the [METER/TRACK VIEW] page set “Select Display-
Mode” to “PreFaderLev,” and adjust the [TRIM] knobs
of the [INPUT 1/GUITAR IN]–[INPUT 4] jacks as high
as possible without allowing the level meter to reach the
“CLP” indicator.
If the effect input or output is still distorted, make the fol-
lowing adjustments.
➞ Input
• Insert effect: While you watch the meters in the [INSERT
EFFECT] “InsEff1”–“Ins5–8” tab page, use the [TRIM]
knob to adjust the input volume so that “CLIP” does not
• Master effect: While you watch the meters in the [MAS-
TER EFFECT/AUX SEND] “EffSnd1” or “EffSnd2” tab
page, adjust the send volume so that “CLIP” does not
• Final effect: While you watch the meters in the [FINAL
EFFECT] “FinalEff” tab page, adjust the volume of each
channel so that “CLP” does not light.
➞ Output
• Insert effect: Adjust the effect parameters or [TRIM], and
listen for any distortion.
• Master/final effect: While you watch the meters in the
[MASTER EFFECT/AUX SEND] “EffSne1,” “EffSnd2,”
or “FinalEff” tab page, adjust the effect parameters so
that “CLP” does not light.
If EQ causes distortion, make the following adjustments.
→ Adjust the gain of the input EQ for an analog input, or
adjust the gain of the channel EQ for playback. (→p.38)
Effects do not apply
You may have selected effect program number 00.
→ Set “EffectNumber” to other than “000” (=NO EFFECT).
Insert effects do not apply
Digital input may be enabled.
→ Insert effects cannot be used if “DigiIn” is turned “On”
in the [INPUT/OUTPUT/SOLO] “Ch1–6” or “Ch7–12”
tab page. Turn this setting “Off.”
Is the effect inserted at the appropriate location?
→ In the [INSERT EFFECT] “InsAss” tab page, set “Assign”
to “In” if you want to apply the effect to the input sound,
or to “Trk” if you want to apply the effect to the play-
back. (→p.42, 85)
Can’t use the expression pedal or MIDI to control an insert ef-
In the [SYSTEM/USB] “Control” tab page, has a valid ef-
fect been selected for “Ass(#)
→ Make sure that a valid effect is selected for “Select-
EffType” in the [INSERT EFFECT] “InsAss” tab page.
Example: “Ass(#)
” may have been set to “InsEff3” even
though “ SelectEffType” is set to “1in2out x2” (in which
case only InsEff1 and InsEff2 can be used).