Mt.Dly (Multitap Delay)
Reverb (Mono Reverb)
The Gate of 86:MM32: Reverb-Gate is connected to the Wet
output of the reverb.
This means that the on/off switch of the Gate effect is
linked to the Reverb, and will be switched on/off in con-
junction with the Reverb.
These algorithms can be selected as an insert effect if
“1in1outx8” is selected for “SelectEffType.”
Different insert effects can be used on each of eight channels/
Effects MN1–MN11 are monaural type effects.
“1in1outx8” effects cannot be controlled by an expression
pedal etc.
88: MN1: OverDrive/HighGain
The parameters are the same as for ODHIG.
89: MN2: Compressor2
The parameters are the same as for Comp2.
90: MN3: Limiter
The parameters are the same as for Lmtr.
91: MN4: Gate
92: MN5: Exciter2
The parameters are the same as for Excit2.
93: MN6: Parametric 4band EQ
94: MN7: Amp Simulator
95: MN8: Multitap Delay
The parameters are the same as for Mt.Dly.
96: MN9: Chorus/Flanger2
The parameters are the same as for ChFl2.
97: MN10: Phaser
The parameters are the same as for Phaser.
LFO (LFO Waveform)....................... TRI, SIN Selects LFO Waveform
*Speed (LFO Frequency [Hz])....0.02...20.0Hz Sets the LFO speed
Manual (Manual).................................0...100 Sets the frequency to which the effect is
*Depth (Depth)......................................0...100 Sets the depth of LFO modulation
Reso (Resonance)......................–100...+100 Sets the resonance amount
Mix (Wet/Dry).....................–Wet...–1:99, Dry,
Sets the phaser effect balance
LFO (LFO Waveform)...................... TRI, SIN,
Vintage, Up, Down
Selects LFO Waveform
Shape (LFO Shape)....................–100...+100 Determines how much the LFO wave-
form is changed
*Speed (LFO Frequency [Hz])....0.02...20.0Hz Sets the LFO speed
*Depth (Depth)......................................0...100 Sets the depth of LFO modulation
T1Time (Tap1 Time [msec])...........0...680ms Sets the Tap1 delay time
T2Time (Tap2 Time [msec])...........0...680ms Sets the Tap2 delay time
T1Lvl (Tap1 Level)...............................0...100 Sets the Tap1 output level
Fdback (Feedback).....................–100...+100 Sets the Tap2 feedback amount
HiDamp (High Damp [%])...................0...100 Sets the damping amount in the high
Mix (Wet/Dry).................Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet Sets the effect balance of the multi-tap
Time (Reverb Time [sec])...........0.1...10.0sec Sets the reverberation time
HiDamp (High Damp [%])................0...100% Sets the damping amount in the high
PreDly (Pre Delay [msec])..........0...200msec Sets the delay time of the reverb sound
and gate control signal
EQTrim (EQ Trim)................................0...100 Sets the EQ input level
LEQG (Pre LEQ Gain [dB]).........–15...+15dB Sets the gain of Low EQ
HEQG (Pre HEQ Gain [dB])........–15...+15dB Sets the gain of High EQ
RevBal (Reverb Balance)......Dry, 1:99...99:1,
Sets the effect balance of the reverb
Contrl (Input Reverb Mix)......Dry, 1:99...99:1,
Sets the balance between the dry and
reverb sounds of the gate control signal
Polrty (Polarity) ........................................+, – Switches between non-reversed and
reversed Gate on/off
Thrshl (Threshold)...............................0...100 Sets the level to which the Gate is
Attack (Attack).....................................1...100 Sets the attack time
Relse (Release)..................................1...100 Sets the release time
Insert (1in1outx8)
Polrty ([G] Polarity)...................................+, – Switches between non-reversed and
reversed Gate on/off
Thrshl (Threshold)...............................0...100 Sets the level to which the Gate is
Attack ([G] Attack)...............................1...100 Sets the attack time
Relse (Release)...................................1...100 Sets the release time
Fc1 (Band1 Cutoff [Hz])...........20Hz...1.0kHz Sets the center frequency of Band 1
Q1 (Q) .............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 1
G1 (Gain [dB])............................ –18...+18dB Sets the gain of Band 1
Fc2 (Band2 Cutoff [Hz]).......300Hz...10.0kHz Sets the center frequency of Band 2
Q2 (Q) .............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 2
G2 (Gain [dB])............................ –18...+18dB Sets the gain of Band 2
Fc3 (Band3 Cutoff [Hz]).......300Hz...10.0kHz Sets the center frequency of Band 3
Q3 (Q) .............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 3
G3 (Gain [dB])............................ –18...+18dB Sets the gain of Band 3
Fc4 (Band4 Cutoff [Hz]).......500Hz...20.0kHz Sets the center frequency of Band 4
Q4 (Q) .............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 4
G4 (Gain [dB])............................ –18...+18dB Sets the gain of Band 4
Tr im (Trim) ...........................................0...100 Sets the parametric EQ input level
Type (Amplifier Type).......................AMP1...5 Selects the type of guitar amplifier