Remote Control 215
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Remote Control
17 Remote Control
This chapter describes the Remote function, which enables you to control external equip-
ment directly from the DM1000 top panel.
About Remote Function
The DM1000’s Remote function enables you to control external DAW (Digital Audio Work-
station) equipment, MIDI devices, recorders, etc.
There are three types of Remote functions (Remote 1 &2, and Machine Control):
■ REMOTE 1 (Remote Layer 1)
■ REMOTE 2 (Remote Layer 2)
To use these Remote functions, you must connect the DM1000 to an external device via
USB, and operate the faders, Encoders and [ON] buttons on the top panel to control the
external device remotely.
You can specify a target device and parameter values on the Remote | Remote1 and Remote
2 pages. These layers are enabled when you turn on the LAYER [REMOTE 1] and
[REMOTE 2] buttons respectively. During Remote operation, the controls on the top panel
enable you to control the external device. (You cannot adjust the DM1000’s parameters
unless you select a different layer.)
You can assign functions of a target device to the controls on the top panel of the DM1000
by using Remote Layers 1 and 2. The following targets are available for remote control:
• ProTools ........................You can remotely control Digidesign Pro Tools.
• Nuendo ..........................You can remotely control Steinberg Nuendo.
• Cubase SX .....................You can remotely control Steinberg Cubase SX.
• General DAW................You can remotely control DAW software that supports the pro-
tocol used by Pro Tools.
• User Defined.................You can also assign MIDI messages to the faders, [ON] buttons,
or Encoders to remotely control a connected MIDI device, such
as a synthesizer.
• User Assignable Layer.......You can combine the DM1000 channels to create a custom
layer. (See page 272 for more information on this function.)
■ Machine Control
From the Remote | Machine Control page, you can control an external recording machine
that is connected to the DM1000 MIDI port, REMOTE connector, USB port, or optional
MY8-mLAN card. There are two types of commands used for machine control.
• MMC..............................MMC stands for MIDI Machine Control. MMC commands
can be transferred via the MIDI ports, USB port, and Slot 1 if
an MY8-mLAN card is installed.
• P2....................................P2 protocol is used by the Tascam DA-98HR and other profes-
sional video machines. This command can be transferred via
the REMOTE connector.
Tip: ProTools, Nuendo, Cubase SX, and General DAW targets can be assigned to only one
layer at a time. If you have already assigned a ProTools, Nuendo, Cubase SX, or General DAW
target to Remote Layer 1 or 2, you cannot assign other targets to the other Remote Layer.
Tip: To control external devices from the DM1000, you can also use the User Defined buttons
or the CONTROL connector as a GPI (General Purpose Interface). Refer to Chapter 20 “Other
Functions” on page 265 for more information.