78 Chapter 6—Input Channels
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
■ Pairing Input Channels Using the Display
1 Press the [PAIR/GROUP] button repeatedly until the Pair/Grup | Input page
The parameters on this page are described below:
Determines how channels are paired.
B STEREO/MONO x2 buttons
These buttons turn pairs on or off.
C MS buttons
These buttons are available when an MS microphone is connected. MS Decoding can be
used to decode signals from MS microphones arranged as MS pairs. (See page 80 for
more information on MS Decoding.)
2 Move the cursor to the PAIR MODE parameter field (
1), then select the
The function of each mode is described below:
• HORIZONTAL............. This button pairs adjacent odd-even channels (default).
• VERTICAL.................... This button pairs counterpart channels on Layer 1 and Layer 2
that share the same physical fader (e.g., CH1 & CH17, CH16 &
CH32, etc.). This mode is useful when you wish to use one
fader to control both stereo channels.
When you switch the Pair Mode, the combinations of channel numbers displayed on the
page also change.
3 Move the cursor to the desired channel’s MONOx2 button, then press
The channels are paired.
4To cancel a pair, move the cursor to the desired channel’s STEREO button,
then press [ENTER].
• When Pair mode is switched, only the channel numbers change. The mix parameters of the
paired partners do not change.
•For example, if you change Pair mode from Horizontal to Vertical, the Input Channel “2”
indication changes to Input Channel “17.” However, its parameters do not change. (If Chan-
nels 1 and 2 have been paired, switching the mode will pair Channels 1 and 17.)
Tip: You can also pair or cancel a pair of Output Channels in the same way on the Pair/Group
| Output page (see page 89).