64 Chapter 6—Input Channels
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
The parameters on these three pages (and the procedure for setting them) are the same.
The following buttons determine the units of the delay value shown below the msec
• meter ............................. Units are set to meters.
• feet ................................. Units are set to feet.
• sample ...........................Units are set to samples.
• beat ................................Units are set to beats.
• frame .............................Units are set to timecode frames.
B GANG button
When this button is turned on (highlighted), the delay time for each channel in a chan-
nel pair can be set simultaneously. When this option is turned off, the delay time can be
set for each channel in a channel pair individually.
C Channel section
You can set individual delay parameters here. The delay parameters include the follow-
ing items:
• msec............................... This parameter sets the delay time in milliseconds.
beat/frame .................... The delay time can be set using units of meters, feet, samples,
beats, or frames, which you select by using the DELAY SCALE
• MIX................................This parameter sets the mix balance of dry (Input Channel)
and wet (delayed) signals.
• FB.GAIN .......................This parameter sets the amount of delay feedback.
• The delay time range depends on the sampling rate at which the DM1000 is operating. (For
example, at 44.1 kHz, the range is 0 through 984.1 msec.)
•If you select the DELAY SCALE meter or feet button, the distance value can be converted to
the delay time based on sonic speeds (about 340 m/sec at 15 degrees Celsius). This option is
useful if you wish to correct the timing difference between two sound sources that are far
•If you select the DELAY SCALE beat button, a parameter box for setting a note that repre-
sents the beat and a parameter box for a tempo (BPM) setting appear below the DELAY
SCALE parameter. Setting the note and BPM settings in these parameter boxes enables you
to set a delay time that synchronizes to the song tempo.