80 Chapter 6—Input Channels
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Using MS Stereo Microphone
The MS system is a type of stereo recording that uses two microphones; mono-directional
M (Middle) and bi-directional S (Side) microphones. An M microphone picks up main sig-
nals, and an S microphone picks up directional signals. These two signals are decoded by
calculating a sum (M plus S) and a difference (M minus S), and are recorded to L and R
An MS microphone is usually a stereo microphone that has both M and S functions. Use an
MS microphone in the following way:
1 Connect the L connector of an MS microphone to an odd channel input jack,
and the R connector to an even channel input jack.
Signals from the MS microphone are
input from the L and R connectors. To
use an MS microphone with the
DM1000, connect the L connector to
the input jack of an odd Input Chan-
nel, and connect the R connector to
the input jack of the partner channel.
2 Press the [PAIR/GROUP] button repeatedly until the Pair/Group | Input page
3Turn on the MS button for the channels to which the MS microphone is con-
The two channels are automatically paired and MS Decoding is turned on. With MS Decod-
ing turned on, the faders and Encoders (Pan parameters) function as follows:
• Odd-channel faders ................M level (Controls the volume level.)
• Odd-channel Encoders...........ML/MR balance
• Even-channel faders................S level (Controls the left and right directional spread.)
• Even-channel Encoders..........SL/SR balance
4 Use the faders and Encoders to adjust the MS microphone level and balance.
When the signals are routed to paired Buses or the Stereo Bus, a sum of signals (ML plus
SL) is sent to the odd-numbered Bus, and a difference of signals (ML minus SL) is sent to
the even-numbered Bus.
MS microphone
R connector L connector