88 Chapter 7—Bus Outs
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Setting the Stereo Out and Bus Out 1–8 from the
Control Surface
You can use the faders, Encoders, [SEL] buttons, and various buttons and controls in the
SELECTED CHANNEL section on the top panel to directly control certain parameters for
the Stereo Out and Bus Out 1–8.
Setting the Levels
Move the [STEREO] fader to adjust the Stereo Out levels. Press the [ON] button in the STE-
REO section to turn the Stereo Out on or off.
To set Bus Out 1–8 levels, press the [MASTER] button in the LAYER section to select the
Master layer, then move faders 9–16. At this time, you can turn Bus Out 1–8 on or off using
the [ON] 9–16 buttons.
EQ’ing the Stereo Out and Bus Outs
1 Press the [SEL] button or move the fader of the bus to which you want to
apply EQ.
2To control the EQ of the currently-selected bus, select the desired band to
adjust by pressing one of the following buttons:
• EQUALIZER [HIGH] button ............HIGH band
• EQUALIZER [H-MID] button ..........HIGH-MID band
• EQUALIZER [L-MID] button ...........LOW-MID band
• EQUALIZER [LOW] button ..............LOW band
3 Use the EQUALIZER [Q], [FREQUENCY], and [GAIN] controls to adjust the Q,
frequency, and gain of the band selected in Step 2.
See page 68 for more information on EQ.