(9) Checking parameter status
The reflection status and setting contents of parameters can be checked by link special relay (SB) and link
special register (SW).
(a) Checking the parameter status (other stations)
1. When a station on the network has a parameter error, Parameter error status (each station)
(SB0170) is turned on.
2. The station number where the parameter error occurs is stored in Parameter error status (each
station) (SW0170 to SW0177).
3. Details on the parameters on each station can be checked by the link special relay (SB) and link
special register (SW) on each station.
(b) Checking the parameter status (own station)
1. When reception of parameters is completed, Parameter reception status (SB0077) turns off.
2. When a parameter has an error, Received parameter error (SB004D) is turned on and the error
code is stored in Parameter setting status (SW004C)
3. When parameters are reflected in the master/local module, contents of the parameter is stored in
the following link special relay (SB) and link special register (SW).
Number Description Number Description
SB0170 Parameter error status (each station)
SW0170 to
Parameter error status (each station)
Number Description Number Description
SB004D Received parameter error SW004C Parameter setting status
SB0077 Parameter reception status
Number Description Number Description
SB0040 Network type (own station) SW0040 Network No.
SW0042 Station No.
SB0043 Mode (own station) SW0043 Mode status
SB0044 Station setting (own station) (1) SW0046 Module type
SB0045 Station setting (own station) (2) SW0058 Number of total slave stations (setting)
SW0059 Number of total slave stations (current value)
SB0060 Constant scan status SW0063 Constant link scan set value
SB0072 Scan mode setting information
SB0073 Operation status specified for CPU stop error
SB0074 Reserved station specification status
SB0075 Error invalid station setting status
SB0078 Loopback function setting status
SB007B Input data status of data link faulty station
SB007D Hold/clear status setting for CPU STOP
SB00C0 Reserved station setting status
SW00C0 to
Reserved station setting status
SB00D0 Error invalid station setting
SW00D0 to
Error invalid station setting