(b) Modified functions
The following are the functions modified in the master/local module (QS0J71GF11-T2).
Function Note for replacement
Direct access to link
Cannot be performed with the master/local module (QS0J71GF11-T2).
Interlink transmission
Input status setting for
data link faulty station
Input data of safety communication from the data link faulty station is cleared regardless of
the input status setting of the data link faulty station and the safety CPU operation mode.
Output status setting for
Safety communication output data under the STOP status of the safety CPU module can be
hold only when the safety CPU operation mode is on the test mode.
Output status setting for
CPU stop error
Cannot be performed with the master/local module (QS0J71GF11-T2).
Cyclic transmission stop
and restart
Cannot be performed when the safety CPU operation mode is the safety mode.
Communication by
dedicated instruction
The following dedicated instructions cannot be used with the master/local module
• SEND (sends data to a programmable controller on other station)
• RECV (receives data from a programmable controller on other station)
• RECVS (receives data from a programmable controller on other station)
• REMFR (reads out data from the intelligent device station)
• REMTO (writes data into the intelligent device station)
• RIRD (reads out data from a target station)
• RIWT (writes data into a target station)
• CCPASET (parameter settings)
• UINI (own Station (local station) number setting)
Note that remote RUN/STOP cannot be operated by the REQ instruction.
CC-Link IE Field
Network diagnostics
(1) The following items cannot be diagnosed for modules that are not applicable to GX
Developer (such as the Ethernet adapter module).
• Display of selected station status and error details
• System Monitor
• Remote operation
(2) Diagnosis of the following items from the master station is available only when the
safety CPU operation mode in on the test mode.
• Link Start/Stop
• Reserved Station Function Enable
• Temporary Error Invalid Station Setting/Restore
(3) When setting station No. of slave stations from the master station (safety station),
diagnosis is available only when the safety CPU operation mode is on the test mode.
(4) Network event history data can be collected/cleared only when the safety CPU
operation mode is test mode.