
Velocity [001...127, Key]
Key: The Tone of the step will sound with the velocity at
which the key was played.
001127: The specied velocity value will always be used.
This setting is valid when the Program, Combination, Song,
or Song Play mode parameter Velocity (Program P7: 71a,
Combination P7: 72a/3a, Sequencer/Song Play P7: 73a/
4a) is set to Step.
When making this setting, make sure that Velocity is set to
Step in the mode from which you arrived here.
Flam [99...+99]
Species how the note timing will be skewed when two or
more Tones are specied in the same step.
00: All Tones will sound simultaneously.
+01+99: The timing of the notes will be skewed in the order
of the Tone number. (When Sort is ON, from low note to
high note. When Sort is OFF, in the order in which keys
were pressed.)
01 99: The timing of the notes will be skewed in the
opposite direction as +.
To simulate chords strummed on a guitar, it is effective to set
+ values for odd-numbered steps and values for even-
numbered steps.
This is not valid for preset patterns P000P004.
Tone No. (Tone Number) [01...12]
This is valid when Arpeggio Tone Mode (61b) is set to
Fixed Note. This selects the Tone.
Fixed Note No. (Fixed Note Number) [C1...G9]
Species the note number for the selected Tone. You can also
input this value by holding down the [ENTER] key and
pressing a note on the keyboard.
62: Page Menu Command
62A: Initialize Steps
This command initializes the step parameters (Tone,
Pitch Offset, Gate, Velocity, Flam) of the arpeggio
1 Select Initialize Steps to access the dialog box.
2 Empty will initialize all tones to a blank state.
Full will initialize all tones to a full state.
3 To execute the Initialize Steps operation, press the OK
button. To cancel, press the Cancel button.
62B: Copy Step
This command copies the settings of a specic step. The set-
tings of two or more adjacent steps can also be copied
1 Select Copy Step to access the dialog box.
2 In From Step, select the range of steps that you wish to
3 In To Step, select the copy destination step.
If you selected more than one step in From Step, the
steps will be copied starting at To Step and continuing
through the steps to the right.
4 To execute the Copy Step operation, press the OK but-
ton. To cancel, press the Cancel button.
62C: Delete Step
This command deletes the step parameters (Tone, Pitch
Offset, Gate, Velocuty, Flam) of the currently
selected step number. Subsequent steps will move one col-
umn toward the left.
1 Select Delete Step to access the dialog box.
2 To execute the Delete Step operation, press the OK but-
ton. To cancel without executing, press the Cancel but-
62D: Insert Step
This command inserts an empty step into the currently
selected step number. Subsequent steps will be moved one
step to the right.
1 Select Insert Step to access the dialog box.
2 To execute the Insert Step operation, press the OK but-
ton. To cancel without executing, press the Cancel but-
62E: Rotate Step
This command rotates the step settings.
1 Select Rotate Step to access the dialog box.
2 Select the type Direction of rotation.
For example, suppose there is a pattern of Length 4.
If you select Forward, the settings of Step 1 will be
rewritten to 2, Step 2 3, Step 3 4, Step 4 1.
If you select Backward, the settings of Step 1 will be
rewritten to 4, Step 2 1, Step 3 2, Step 4 3.
3 To execute the Rotate Step operation, press the OK but-
ton. To cancel without executing, press the Cancel but-