
01H: Save Template Song
(Save as User Template Song)
This command saves the program selections, track parame-
ters, and effect settings etc. of the current song as a user tem-
plate song U0015. The settings you save here can also be
loaded in Song Play mode.
1 Select Save Template Song to access the dialog box.
2 In To , specify the user template song (U0015) in
which the data will be saved.
3 To save the template song, press the OK button. To can-
cel, press the Cancel button.
Be aware that when you execute this command, all set-
ting data of the save destination User Template Song will
be erased and rewritten with the current settings.
01I: FF/REW Speed
This allows you to set the speed at which fast-forward or
rewind will occur when you press the [FF] key or [REW]
1 Select FF/REW Speed to access the dialog box.
2 In Speed, specify the speed (relative to the playback
tempo) at which fast-forward and rewind will occur.
This setting is relative to the playback tempo.
With a setting of 2, this will occur at double the playback
tempo; with a setting of 3, triple the tempo; and with a
setting of 4, quadruple the tempo. However in sections
where the playback data is dense, the fast-forward or
rewind speed may slow down.
3 If Ignore Tempo is checked, the playback tempo and
note length will be ignored, and fast-forward and rewind
will be performed as fast as possible. The speed of fast-
forward and rewind will differ between sections where
the playback data is dense and sections where it is sparse.
If this item is unchecked, fast-forward and rewind will
be performed at the speed you specify for Speed.
4 To execute the settings, press the OK button. To cancel,
press the Cancel button.
01J: Set Location (Set Location for Locate Key)
When you press the [LOCATE] key, you will move to the
location specied here.
1 Select Set Location to access the dialog box.
2 In Location, specify the location to which you will
move when you press the [LOCATE] key. If you specify
001:01:000, you will move to the beginning of the song
when you press the [LOCATE] key.
3 To execute the settings, press the OK button. To cancel,
press the Cancel button.
When this dialog box is not open, you can hold down
the [ENTER] key and press the [LOCATE] key to set the
current location as the Set Location value.
01K: GM Initialize
This command transmits a GM System On message to the
Sequencer mode, resetting all tracks to the GM settings
(table below).
GM Initialize Parameter
Parameter Track19, 1116 Track10
P0 Bank/Program (Program Select) G001:Acoustic Piano g(d)001:STANDARD Kit
Pan C064 C064
Volume 100 100
P1 Status The setting remains unchanged
Use Programs Scale The setting remains unchanged
P7 Arpeggiator Assign The setting remains unchanged
Other Arpeggiator parameters The setting remains unchanged
P8 IFX/Indiv.Out BUS Select L/R DKit
Send1(MFX1) 0 0
Send2(MFX2) 40 40
IFX15 The setting remains unchanged
Pan(CC#8) The setting remains unchanged
BUS Select The setting remains unchanged
Send1 The setting remains unchanged
Send2 The setting remains unchanged
Other Insert Effect parameters The setting remains unchanged
P9 MFX1 016: Stereo Chorus
MFX2 053: Reverb SmoothHall
Return1 127
Return2 050
Other Master Effect and Master EQ parameters Default settings