
In From Measure and To End of Measure, specify
the measures. In Beat.Tick specify the beat and clock.
(By default, From Measure and To End of Measure
will be the range that you specied in the Track Edit
4 In Kind, select the type of musical data (events) that
you wish to quantize.
All: Quantization will be applied to all performance data.
Note: Quantization will be applied only to note data. Use
Bottom and To p to specify the range of notes. Bot-
tom species the lowest note that will be affected, and
To p species the highest note. You can use this when
you want to quantize only a specic note or notes (for
example, just the snare sounds of a drum track). If you
want to quantize all notes, set these parameters C1 and
G9 respectively. These note settings can also be input by
holding down the [Enter] key and playing a note on the
Control Change: Quantization will be applied to control
changes. If you want to quantize only a specic control
change, specify the number (No.). If you want to quan-
tize all control changes, select All.
After Touch: Quantize both Channel Pressure and Poly-
phonic Key Pressure messages.
Pitch Bend: Pitch bend data will be quantized.
Program Change: Program change data will be quan-
5 In Resolution, specify the timing resolution to which
the data will be corrected.
By setting a lower resolution you can save more memory,
but the timing of the playback may not be acceptable.
6 In Offset, specify the number of clock ticks by which
the data will be moved forward or backward relative to
the standard timing. A setting of 96 will be , and 48 will
be . Positive (+) settings will adjust the data forward,
and negative () settings will adjust the data backward.
This allows you to simulate pushing or dragging the
7 In Intensity, specify the degree of sensitivity to which
the timing will be corrected; i.e., how close to the loca-
tions specied by
5 and 6 the data will be moved.
With a setting of 0, no correction will take place. With a
setting of 100, the data will be moved all the way to the
timing intervals specied by
5 and 6.
8 To execute the Quantize command, press the OK button.
To cancel, press the Cancel button.
* By varying the Offset and Intensity settings you can
create quantize effects such as the following.
51O: Shift/Erase Note
This command shifts (moves) or erases the specied note
numbers in a specied track and range of measures.
1 In Track Select, select the track on which you wish to
execute the Shift/Erase Note command.
2 Select Shift/Erase Note to access the dialog box.
3 Specify the range in which you wish to shift or erase note
In From Measure and To End of Measure, specify
the measures. In Beat.Tick, specify the beat and clock.
(By default, From Measure and To End of Measure
will be the range that you specied in the Track Edit
4 Specify the range of notes that you wish to shift or erase.
Note Range: Bottom species the lower limit, and
To p species the upper limit. If you wish to edit all
notes, set Bottom to C1 and To p to G9. These set-
tings can also be made by holding down the [ENTER]
key as you play a note.
Shifting notes
5 In Shift Note, specify the amount by which you wish
to move the note.
The amount of shift is set in semitone steps over a range
of 127+127. +1 will shift the note a semitone upward.
6 Select either Replace to move the note numbers, or
Create to generate additional notes.
For example if you are editing a track that uses a drum
program, you can use Replace to exchange the current
snare sound for a different snare sound assigned to a dif-
ferent key, or use Create to add a sound effect at a dif-
ferent note # to the snare sound. Alternatively, you can
use Create to add an octave doubling to an existing
guitar phrase, etc.
7 To execute the Shift Note command, press the OK but-
ton. To cancel, press the Cancel button.
Erasing notes
5 Check Erase Note.
If you wish to erase all note data in the specied range of
measures, you can also use the Erase Measure com-
mand (51F) and set Kind to Note. However, this
Shift/Erase Note command lets you specify the
Beat.Tick range, and to erase only specic ranges of
note data.
6 To execute the Erase Note command, press the OK but-
ton. To cancel, press the Cancel button.
Quantize Resolution =
Offset = 0, Intensity = 100%
Quantize Resolution =
Offset = 0, Intensity = 50%
Quantize Resolution =
Offset = +48, Intensity = 100%
Quantize Resolution =
Offset = +48, Intensity = 75%
Quantize Resolution =
Offset = 24, Intensity = 100%
50% 50%
100% 100%
75% 75%
100% 100%
+48 +48
+48 +48
100% 100%