
51I: Repeat Measure
This command repeatedly inserts the specied measures for
the specied number of times. When you execute the Repeat
Measure command, the measures will be inserted following
the measure specied by To End of Measure, and musical
data following the inserted data will be moved backward. It
is convenient to use this command when you have a song
that you playback with Track Play Loop (05a/6a) turned
on, and wish to expand it into musical data.
1 Use Track Select to select the track whose measures
you wish to repeat.
2 Select Repeat Measure to access the dialog box.
3 In From Measure and To End of Measure, specify
the range of measures that will be repeated. (By default,
From Measure and To End of Measure will be set to
the range you specied in the Track Edit page.)
4 In Times, specify the number of repetitions. For exam-
ple if you set From Measure to 001, To End of Mea-
sure to 004, and Times to 2, the musical data of
measures 14 will be inserted into measures 58. The
result will be that measures 14 will be played twice.
5 If you wish to repeat the musical data of all tracks includ-
ing the master track, check All Tracks.
6 To execute the Repeat Measure command, press the OK
button. To cancel, press the Cancel button.
51J: Copy Measure
This command copies the measures of musical data speci-
ed as the From source to the begining of the measure
specied as the To location.
When you execute the Copy Measure command, the exist-
ing track data at the copy destination will be rewritten.
1 Select the copy source song.
2 Select Copy Measure to access the dialog box.
3 In From: Track, select the copy source track. (By
default, this will be the track you selected in Track
If you check All Tracks, the musical data of all tracks
including the master track will be copied.
4 In From Measure and To End of Measure, specify
the range of copy source measures. (By default, From
Measure and To End of Measure will be the range that
you specied in the Track Edit page.)
5 In To: Song, specify the copy destination song. In
Track (when All Tracks is unchecked) specify the
copy destination track. In Measure, specify the rst
measure where the copied measures will be inserted.
6 To execute the Copy Measure operation, press the OK
button. To cancel, press the Cancel button.
51K: Move Measure
This command moves measures of musical data to a speci-
ed destination. When you execute the Move Measure com-
mand, musical data following the move source will be
moved forward according to the number of measures
moved, and musical data following the move destination
will be moved backward correspondingly.
1 Select Move Measure to access the dialog box.
2 In From: Track, select the move source track. (By
default, this will be the track you selected in Track
If you check All Tracks, musical data of all tracks
including the master track will be moved.
3 In From Measure and To End of Measure, specify
the range of measures that will be moved. (By default,
From Measure and To End of Measure will be the
range that you specied in the Track Edit page.)
4 In To: Track (if All Tracks is unchecked), specify the
move destination track. In Measure, specify the rst
measure of the move destination.
5 To execute the Move Measure command, press the OK
button. To cancel, press the Cancel button.
Time signature = **/**
Track 2
5 (2/4)4 (5/4)1 (4/4) 2 (7/8) 3 (7/8)
1 (4/4) 2 (4/4) 4 (5/4) 5 (2/4)3 (3/4)
1 (4/4) 2 (4/4) 4 (5/4) 5 (2/4)3 (3/4)
1 (4/4) 2 (7/8) 4 (5/4) 5 (2/4)3 (7/8)
Track 2
5 (2/4)4 (5/4)
Track 2
1 (4/4) 2 (4/4)
1 (4/4) 2 (4/4) 4 (5/4) 5 (2/4)3 (3/4)
3 (3/4)
1 (4/4) 2 (4/4) 4 (5/4) 5 (2/4)3 (3/4)
1 (4/4) 2 (4/4) 4 (5/4) 5 (2/4)3 (3/4)
Track 1
Track 1
Track 1
Track 2
Track 1
Time signature = 7/8
Before Insert
After Insert
Before Insert
After Insert
Insert two measures
Insert two measures
Measures 4 and 5 will use the previously specified
time signature.
Measures 2 and 3 will be 7/8, and measures 4 and 5
will be the previously specified time signature.
1 2
3 4
5 6
1 2
3 4
1 2
3 4
5 6
Track 1
Track 1
If you execute the Repeat Measure operation on measures 14 with Time = 2,
measures 14 will be inserted into measures 58.
2 (4/4)1 (4/4) 5 (3/4)4 (3/4)3 (4/4) 6 (3/4) 7 (4/4)
2 (4/4)1 (4/4) 5 (3/4)4 (3/4)3 (4/4) 6 (3/4) 7 (4/4)
Track 1
Track 2
Example: When you copy measures 57 of track 1 to the third measure of track 2,
measures 35 of track 2 will be rewritten.