Teledyne API – Model T700 Dynamic Dilution Calibrator Troubleshooting and Service
1. To check the function of the photometer’s measure / reference valve:
2. Set the calibrator’s front panel display to show the PHOTO REFERENCE test
function (see Section 4.1.1).
3. Follow the instruction in Sections 7.3.3 a
nd for performing a zero point
calibration of
the photometer.
Press XZro and allow the calibrator to stabilize.
4. Before completing the calibration by pressing the ZERO button, note of the
displayed value.
5. Press the final Zero button then press “NO” when asked, “ARE YOU SURE”.
6. Follow the instruction in Sections for performing a span point calibration of
the photometer.
Press XSPN and allow the calibrator to stabilize.
7. Before completing the calibration by pressing the SPAN button, note of the
displayed value of PHOTO REFERENCE.
If the O3 REF value has decreased by more than 2 mV from its value with Zero-
gas, then there is a "cross-port" leak in the M/R valve.
8. Press the final Zero button then press “NO” when asked, “ARE YOU SURE”.
06873B DCN6388