Preparations for sampling
Program mode
Save to
Specifies the destination to which the data will be
written during sampling.
RAM: The sample will be written to RAM memory.
A sample written into RAM memory can be heard
immediately in Sampling mode.
DISK: The sample will be written to the hard disk.
If you’ve selected DISK, you can also select the
writing-destination drive.
In each mode, use the “Select Directory” page menu
command to select the drive.
Use “Drive Select” to select the desired drive, and use
the Open or Up buttons to move to the desired level.
You can press the Play button to play back a selected
WAVE file. Press the Done button to confirm the
settings you’ve made.
Specifies the channel(s) that you want to sample, and
specify whether a mono or stereo sample will be
The L and R channels of the bus specified by Source
Bus will be sampled.
L-Mono: The L channel of the bus specified by Source
Bus will be sampled in mono.
R-Mono: The R channel of the bus specified by Source
Bus will be sampled in mono.
Stereo: The L and R channels of the bus specified by
Source Bus will be sampled in stereo. This will create a
stereo multisample and samples.
Sample Time
Specifies the amount of time that you wish to sample.
This can be set in 0.001 second increments. If you
record a sample in this condition
([REC]→[START]→[STOP]), the change in time will be
displayed automatically.
If the writing-destination (“Save to”) is DISK, the
maximum value is calculated from the amount of
remaining space on the disk specified by “Select
Directory.” You can’t sample for longer than 80
Recording Level and Auto +12 dB On
When you resample an external audio source, the song
playback, or your keyboard performance on a
program, combination, or sample, you will normally
set the Recording Level at 0 (dB). If this is set at 0 (dB),
the sample data will be recorded at the optimal level.
However when this data is played back, the OASYS
will play it back at a lower level than when it was
sampled (if +12 dB is off). If you want to play back the
data at the same level at which it was sampled, you’ll
need to turn the +12 dB parameter on (Sampling P2–
Loop Edit page).
If you sample with the Auto +12 dB On setting
checked, +12 dB will automatically be turned on, and
the recorded sample will play back at the same level at
which it was sampled.
Optimizing the RAM memory
If RAM has been specified as the destination to which
data will be written during sampling, you can specify
that RAM memory be automatically optimized after
the data is written. When optimization is performed,
unused areas that are occupying memory space will be
reorganized to increase the available free space. In the
Global mode P0: Basic Setup– Basic page, you can
check “Auto Optimize RAM” so that RAM will
automatically be optimized when sampling ends. In
this case, you will always be able to sample without
any wasted RAM area, but the sound will stop for a
time when sampling ends. If a song is being played
back in Sequencer mode, the playback will stop.
If you are playing back a song, or if you are repeatedly
recording multiple samples in various locations while
listening to audio input from a CD etc., you can sample
with “Auto Optimize RAM” unchecked, and then
execute the page menu command “Optimize RAM”
(found in the Sampling page of Program,
Combination, or Sequencer modes, and in P0–P4 of
Sampling mode) to optimize the RAM when the
remaining amount of memory begins to decrease. You
can check on the remaining amount of memory in
Sampling mode on the P0: Recording page, under Free
Sample Memory/Locations. For more information, see
“0–1f: Free Sample Memory/Locations” on page 572 of
the Parameter Guide.
Save to
Sample Time
Drive Select Done Open Up Play