LOC 1/IN ...
6a. PreGapTime [0…59 (sec), 0…74 (Frm)]
Specifies the duration of silence to be inserted before
the track (song). The default is two seconds.
The default setting will be 0 seconds for the song added to
TR1 (track 1) or for a track divided by album CD track
marks (→p.145).
6b. PostGapTime [0…59 (sec), 0…74 (Frm)]
Specifies the duration of silence to be inserted after the
track (song). The default is 0 seconds.
7. Write To CD
Executes writing to the CD-R/RW.
When you click this button, the Write to CD dialog box
will appear, displaying a message of “Obey Copyright
Rules.” Carefully read the section “COPYRIGHT WARN-
ING” (→p.iii), and use this function only if you accept
the terms.
• Use the “Write Speed” list button to specify the speed
at which the data will be written to CD-R/RW.
• When you click the Yes button (or press the panel YES
key), the D3200 will begin creating the image file. You
can click the Cancel button (or press the panel NO
key) to abort this process.
• When the image file has been created, the D3200 will
begin writing the disc. This cannot be aborted.
• The disc will automatically be finalized.
• When the disc has been written a message of “Write
Another CD?” will appear.
• If you want to create another identical CD, click the
Yes button (or press the panel YES key). If not, click
the No button (or press the panel NO key).
If you click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key), a
message of “Insert Next Disc. After Insert, Press OK.”
will appear, and the CD-R/RW drive tray will open.
Insert another CD and click the OK button (or press the
panel YES key).
If you successively write another disc, the D3200 will not
need to create the image file again, so the process will
take less time.
A CD-R/RW disc written using Album CD Project will be
finalized automatically.
Changing the writing speed will not affect the time that is re-
quired to create the temporary image file that is created before
writing an audio CD.
11b. Track at once
Here you can write an audio CD Track using the Track At
Once method, erase a CD-RW disc, or finalize a disc.
Additional data can be written to a disc until the disc is final-
1. Erase
This erases all the data that has been written to a CD-RW
When you click this button, the Erase CD-RW dialog box
will appear. Use “Option” to select the method of eras-
ure, and click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key)
to erase the disc.
This operation cannot be performed on a CD-R disc. Data that
is erased by this operation cannot be recovered.
2. Track cell
This shows the song number, song name, and recording
time of the song whose track you will write to the CD.
3. Write To CD
This button writes the song shown in the track cell to the
CD-R/RW disc.
When you click this button, the Write to CD dialog box
will appear, displaying a message of “Obey Copyright
Rules.” Carefully read the section “COPYRIGHT WARN-
ING” (→p.iii), and use this function only if you accept
the terms.
• Use the “Write Speed” to specify the speed at which
the data will be written to CD-R/RW.
• When you click the Yes button (or press the panel YES
key), the D3200 will begin creating the image file. You
can click the Cancel button (or press the panel NO
key) to abort this process.
If the selected song is 24-bit, click the Dither button to turn it
on if you want dithering to be performed.
• When the image file has been created, the D3200 will
begin writing to the disc. This cannot be aborted.
• When the disc has been written a message of “Write
Another CD?” will appear.
• If you want to create another identical CD, click the
Yes button (or press the panel YES key). If not, click
the No button (or press the panel NO key).
If you click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key), a
message of “Insert Next Disc. After Insert, Press OK.”
will appear, and the CD-R/RW drive tray will open.
Insert another CD and click the OK button (or press the
panel YES key).
If you do write another disc at this time, the D3200 will
not need to create the image file again, so the process will
take less time.
Quick: Erase the disc quickly.
Full: Erase the disc completely. Use this if you experi-
ence problems such as if a disc erased using
Quick cannot be recognized. This method will
require more time.