TroubleshootingVarious messages
More about drives
and files
SpecificationsVarious lists
Shortcut keysGlossaryIndex
Virtual track
Each channel track and the master track of the D3200
actually consists of eight separate areas called “virtual
tracks” that can each hold a separate performance. For
each track, you can select one of its virtual tracks for
playback and recording.
The filename extension for a Wave file, the audio file for-
mat used mainly on Windows computers.
Word clock
A synchronization signal that unifies the timing at which
digital audio data is transferred. If two or more devices
are digitally connected, failure to synchronize the word
clock will cause noise to be heard in the digital audio, or
even make it impossible to transfer the digital audio sig-
XLR jack
The three-pin balanced connector used for most mic con-
Zero cross point
A location at which the waveform level crosses ±0.