This is a stereo multi-band limiter. It is ideal for mastering.
Category: SFX&etc
SFX/Etc effects
This sets the angle of the scratch. The spacing of the click noise
for one revolution will depend on the angle.
Vinyl Noise Type:
The Vinyl Noise will also depend on the amount by which the
record is warped.
This effect gives the input signal a character similar to a hu-
man voice. It can create the impression of a talking guitar or
This effect creates a metallic sound by applying the oscilla-
tors to the input signal.
26: Multiband Limiter
Hi.Thresh (High Band Threshold) –48.0...0.0dB
Adjusts the level at which compression begins for the high-
frequency range
Hi.Attack (High Band Attack) 0...1.00sec
Adjusts the attack time for the high-frequency range
Hi.Release (High Band Release) 0...10.0sec
Adjusts the release time for the high-frequency range
Hi.OutGain (High Band Output Gain) –24.0...+24.0dB
Adjusts the output gain for the high-frequency range
Md.Thresh (Middle Band Threshold) –48.0...0.0dB
Adjusts the level at which compression begins for the mid-
frequency range
Md.Attack (Middle Band Attack) 0...1.00sec
Adjusts the attack time for the mid-frequency range
Md.Release (Middle Band Release) 0...10.0sec
Adjusts the release time for the mid-frequency range
Md.OutGain (Middle Band Output Gain) –24.0...+24.0dB
Adjusts the output gain for the mid-frequency range
Lo.Thresh (Low Band Threshold) –48.0...0.0dB
Adjusts the level at which compression begins for the low-
frequency range
Lo.Attack (Low Band Attack) 0...1.00sec
Adjusts the attack time for the low-frequency range
Lo.Release (Low Band Release) 0...10.0sec
Adjusts the release time for the low-frequency range
Lo.OutGain (Low Band Output Gain) –24.0...+24.0dB
Adjusts the output gain for the low-frequency range
Mon.Band (Monitor Band) Off, Low, Middle, High
Selects the band to monitor
Lo.Xover (Low Cross over Frequency) 53Hz...1.00kHz
Sets the frequency of the crossover between the low and mid-
frequency bands
Hi.Xover (High Cross over Frequency) 1.10kHz...16.0kHz
Sets the frequency of the crossover between the mid and high-
frequency bands
Saturation (Tube Saturation) 0...100%
Sets the depth of vacuum tube distortion
27: St.Analog Record
(Stereo Analog Record)
RPM 33 1/3, 45, 78
Sets the r.p.m. of a record
Wah (Wah Flutter) 0...100%
Sets the depth by which the record is warped
Bend 0...100%
Sets the width by which the record is warped
Dry:Wet Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds
ClickLevel (Click Noise Level) 0...100%
Sets the level of click noise
ClickAngle 0...100
Sets the angle of the scratch on the surface of the record
LoDamp (Low Damp) THRU, 21Hz...8.00kHz
Sets the damping amount in the low range
HiDamp (High Damp) 53Hz...20.0kHz, THRU
Sets the damping amount in the high range
ClickPoint 0...100
Sets the distance of the scratch from the warped area
WhiteLevel (White Noise Level) 0...100%
Sets the level of white noise
NoiseLoCut (Noise Low Cut) THRU, 21Hz...8.00kHz
Sets the low-cut frequency for the noise
NoiseHiCut (Noise High Cut) 53Hz...20.0kHz, THRU
Sets the high-cut frequency for the noise
Vinyl Level (Vinyl Noise Level) 0...100%
Sets the level of noise produced by the needle scraping the vinyl
Vinyl Type (Vinyl Noise Type) 0...3
Selects the type of vinyl noise
28: Talking Modulator
V.Bottom (Voice Bottom) [A], [E], [I], [O], [U]
Selects a vowel sound at the bottom end of control
V.Centr (Voice Center) [A], [E], [I], [O], [U]
Selects a vowel sound in the center of control
V. Top (Voice Top) [A], [E], [I], [O], [U]
Selects a vowel sound at the top end of control
Drive (Drive Gain) 0.0...+36dB
Sets the amount of gain for the distortion
Control (Control Source) Envelope, LFO, Manual
Switches the control source
*LFO Speed 0.02...20.00Hz
Sets the LFO speed
Env.Resp (Envelope Response) Slow, Medium, Fast
Selects the response speed of envelope control
Env.Sens (Envelope Sensitivity) 0...100%
Sets the sensitivity of envelope control
L Delay (L Delay Time) 0...2.730sec
Sets the left delay time
R Delay (R Delay Time) 0...2.730sec
Sets the right delay time
*Manual (Manual Control) 0...100
Sets the control position manually
Dry:Wet Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds
Wet Trim (Wet Level Trim) 0...100
Sets the effect level trim
29: St.Ring Modulator
(Stereo Ring Modulator)
Oscillator (Oscillator Frequency) 0...12.00kHz
Sets the oscillator frequency
*LFO Speed 0.02...20.00Hz
Sets the LFO speed of the oscillator frequency modulation
*LFO Depth 0...100%
Sets the depth of LFO modulation for the oscillator frequency