Make sure that “Free” shows a duration that is longer
than the song you want to write.
(5) Write the song.
• Click the Write To CD button to display the
WriteToCD dialog box.
• Select the writing speed.
You must use a disc that supports the selected writing speed.
•A message of “Obey Copyright Rules” will appear.
Read the owner’s manual section “COPYRIGHT
WARNING” (→p.iii), and click the Yes button (or
press the panel YES key) if you accept the terms.
If the selected song is 24-bit, click the Dither button to turn
it on if you want dithering to be performed.
• The D3200 will begin creating an image file.
The data will be written to CD as a 44.1 kHz song. If you se-
lect a song whose sampling rate is other than 44.1 kHz, the
data must be converted, and a certain amount of time will be
required for the conversion to be performed before the song ap-
pears in the track list.
You can abort creation of the image file by clicking the Cancel
• When the image file has been created, the D3200 will
begin writing it to disc.
• When writing is completed, the display will indicate
“Completed.” If you want to create another disc with
the same data, click the Yes button (or press the panel
YES key). Otherwise, click the No button (or press the
panel NO key) to proceed to the next step.
If you create another disc with the same data, the process will
take less time since the image file has already been created.
(6) If you want to write another song to the CD, repeat
steps (2) through (5).
Each additional song will be written to CD following the
end of the previously written song(s) on the disc.
(7) Finalize the disc.
When you are finished writing songs to this CD, and
want to be able to play the disc on an audio CD player,
click the Finalize button to finalize the disc. A message
will ask you for confirmation. If you are sure you want
to finalize the disc, click the Yes button (or press the
panel YES key).
Once a disc has been finalized, no further songs can be added
to it. In other words, you should finalize a disc only after you
have written all the songs that you intend to write to it.
(8) When finalization is completed, the CD-R/RW drive
tray will open.
The LCD screen will indicate “Completed.” Click the
OK button (or press the panel YES key) to return to the
CD page.
(9) Check the CD by playing it on an audio CD player.
Play the CD on an audio CD player to verify that your
audio CD was created correctly.
2. Disc At Once
2-1. Album CD Project
If you use Album CD Project to create a CD, you can specify
the amount of silence (blank space) between each track, and
assign marks for each song to specify the beginning of each
In addition, since this method writes the CD using Disc At
Once, the audio CD you create can be used as a master CD for
You can create one Album CD Project for each song drive,
and can also back up the data to CD-R/RW (→p.83).
If you use Album CD Project to write a disc, no additional data
can be written to that disc.
When you create an Album CD Project, new audio data for writ-
ing will be created; this will occupy additional hard disk space.
Even if you delete the original songs, the Album CD Project audio
data will not be deleted.
(1) Collect all the songs you want to use for the Album CD
Project into a single song drive (→p.41).
(2) Select the song drive.
Press the CD key, click the Album CD button in the
screen to access the Album CD Project dialog box, click
the Drive button, select the song drive that contains the
song you want to write, and click the and click the OK
button (or press the panel YES key) to confirm.
Write all songs at once
Select the songs, specify their order, and adjust the gaps
Tr k1
Tr k2
Tr k3
Tr k1
Tr k2
Tr k3
Un-writable area
Songs you have created
Blank space according to the gaps you adjusted