(6) Execute the editing operation.
Click the Exec. button. Then in the ReverseTrk dialog
box, click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key) to
execute the operation.
When the operation is finished, the display will indicate
“Completed.” Click the OK button (or press the panel
YES key).
(7) Check the results of the editing operation.
Press the
key, and play back from the TO loca-
tion to verify that the editing operation has done correctly.
If you are not satisfied with the results, you can use
Undo to return to the previous state. (→p.141)
This editing operation will take a longer time for execution (until
the Completed indication appears) in proportion to the length of
the IN–OUT region you specify.
Optimizing a track (OptimizeTrk)
This operation optimizes the track data of the region (IN–
OUT) you specify. If you have performed numerous edits,
overdubbing, and/or punch-in recording in a specific area of
a track, you may need to optimize the track to prevent the
“Disk too busy” message from appearing
Before you execute this operation, check the virtual track of the
Destination track you want to optimize.
Here’s how to optimize a specific region of track 1
(1) Specify the region that you want to optimize.
Set the locations as follows (→p.69).
• Set the IN location to a point slightly earlier than
where “Disk too busy” message appears.
• Set the OUT location to a point beyond the In location,
where the “Disk too busy” message no longer
(2) Select “OptimizeTrk.”
In the TRACK, “EditTrk” tab page, click the Edit Trk
Type cell. In the Edit Trk Type dialog box, click “Opti-
mizeTrk” and click the OK button (or press the panel
YES key).
(3) Select the track number whose data you want to opti-
• Select the track that you suspect of containing the data
that needs to be optimized (track 1 in this example),
click the popup button of the Destination cell, and
choose track “1” in the Destination Track dialog box.
You can also click the cell to select this.
• Check the IN and OUT locations. If you want to set
the locations with more precision, click the Destina-
tion WAVE button, and use the Wave dialog box
(→p.128) to set the location.
(4) Execute the editing operation.
Click the Exec. button. Then in the OptimizeTrk dialog
box, click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key) to
execute the operation.
When the operation is finished, the display will indicate
“Completed.” Click the OK button (or press the panel
YES key).
(5) Verify the results of the operation.
Press the LOC 1/IN key, and play back from the IN
point. If necessary, you can use Undo to return to the
state prior to execution (→p.141).
The length of the IN–OUT area specified will determine the
amount of time it takes to complete the Optimize operation.
Even if you have not repeatedly edited or recorded a specific track,
the HDD/CD access indicator may stay lit continuously (not
blinking) during recording or playback. The “Disk too busy.” er-
ror message may appear in such cases.
Execute the OptimizeTrk operation with Destination set to All,
and the IN–OUT parameters set to the beginning and end of the
Expand/compress a track (ExpCmpTrk)
This command expands or compresses the time required to
play back the specified region (IN–OUT) of recorded track
data to fit the specified region (TO–END) of another track.
• The expanded or compressed data can be created in a dif-
ferent track, while preserving the original data.
•You can specify whether to convert the pitch.
•You can simultaneously convert up to two tracks of data.
• The converted data can be copied one or more times in
This command can be used in ways such as the following.
•To convert drum loops of differing tempos to the same
•To make a phrase fit within a specified location.
Converting the IN–OUT region of track 1 into the length of
the TO–END region of track 2 without changing the pitch,
and copying it three times starting at the TO location of
track 2
Before you execute this operation, check the virtual tracks of the
expansion/compression Source and Destination.
(1) Specify the regions for expansion/compression.
Set the locations as follows (→p.69).
• Set the IN point to the beginning of the source region.
• Set the OUT point to the end of the source region.
• Set the TO point to the beginning of the destination
• Set the END point to the end of the destination region.
(2) Select “ExpCmpTrk.”
In the TRACK, “EditTrk” tab page, click the Edit Trk
Type cell. In the Edit Trk Type dialog box, choose
“ExpCmpTrk” and click the OK button (or press the
panel YES key).
(3) Select the expansion/compression-source track
• Click the popup button of the Source cell, and choose
track “1” in the Source Track dialog box. You can also
click the cell to select this.
• Check the IN and OUT locations. If you want to set
the locations with more precision, click the Source
WAVE button, and use the Wave dialog box (→p.128)
to set the location.
(4) Select the expansion/compression-destination track
• Click the popup button of the Destination cell, and
choose track “2” in the Destination Track dialog box.
You can also click the cell to select this.
If you specified two or more tracks as the “Source,” you must
specify the same number of tracks in “Destination.”
• Check the TO and END locations. If you want to set
the location more precisely, click the Destination
WAVE button, and make your settings in the Wave
dialog box (→p.128).
(2) (3)