Yamaha RS7000 Musical Instrument User Manual

13. The Song Jobs
220 RS7000
This job performs time-expansion or compression over the
selected range.
All note step times, gate times, the positions of all events, etc., in
the specified range are expanded or compressed.
Details are the same as the PATTERN mode (Page 144).
[Settings] 01 ~ 16, ALL
001:1:000 ~ 999:16:479
3 Time
[Settings] 025% ~ 400%
Creates empty measures at the specified location.
Insert Point
[Settings] 001 ~ 999
Specifies the insert point (measure number) at which the
newly created blank measures will be inserted.
[Settings] 1/16 ~ 16/16, 1/8 ~ 16/8, 1/4 ~ 8/4
Specifies the meter of the measures to be created. This does
not affect the original meter of the song, and can be used to
complex time signatures.
Number of Measures
[Settings] 01 ~ 99
Specifies the number of empty measures to be created and
Deletes the specified measures.
17 Beat Stretch
Only MIDI data is affected by this job. Sample voices
are not expanded or compressed.
However, for samples recorded using the
SLICE+SEQ feature, the Beat Stretch job expands or
compresses the timing of the note data, step times,
and gate times that control playback of the sliced
samples. The sample voice itself is not affected.
18 Create Measure
21 3
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
001~004 005~016
001~004 005~012 013~024
8 measures inserted at measure 5
The inserted 8 measures
Original data
When empty measures are inserted, measure
and meter data following the insert point are
moved forward accordingly.
If the insert point is set after the last measure
containing data, only the meter data at that
point is set without actually inserting the mea-
19 Delete Measure
1 32
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
001~004 005~016
001~004 005~012 013~024
Measures M005 ~ 012 deleted
Original data