2. MIDI Events Handled by the RS7000
RS7000 269
Other Information
5. Channel Aftertouch (CAT)
• This event is generated when pressure is applied to a key after
the note is played.
• The data represents the amount of pressure applied to the key.
The bar graph to the right is a graphic representation of the
Data 000 ~ 127
6. Polyphonic Aftertouch (PAT)
• This event is generated when pressure is applied to a key after
the note is played. Unlike the Channel Aftertouch event, how-
ever, individual data is provided for each key.
• Note Name specifies the key.
• The data represents the amount of pressure applied to the key.
The bar graph to the right is a graphic representation of the
Note Name C-2 ~ G8
Data 000 ~ 127
7. Registered Parameter Number (RPN)
• Changes parameter values for each tone generator part.
• Normally three types of control change data are sent: RPN
MSB (101), RPN LSB (100), and Data Entry MSB (6). In the
RS7000, Data Entry LSB (38) is added to this and the resulting
group of control change events is handled as one.
• Once an RPN is specified, the following data entry message
received on the same channel is processed as the value of that
RPN. Prevent operational errors by transmitting an Null mes-
sage (7FH, 7FH) after using these messages to perform a con-
trol operation.
• The RS7000 tone generator section allows control of the 4 fol-
lowing parameters.
RPN MSB 000 ~ 127
RPN LSB 000 ~ 127
Data Entry MSB 000 ~ 127
Data Entry LSB 000 ~ 127
● Parameter List (RPN)
Note Name Data
RPN MSB-LSB Data Entry
MSB LSB Display Parameter Name
Data Range
000 000 PBSens Pitch Bend Sensitivity 000~024 – 024
Specifies the amount of pitch bend produced in
response to pitch bend data in semitone increments.
000 001 FnTune Fine Tune -64~+63 – +00 Adjusts the tuning in cent increments.
000 002 CsTune Coarse Tune -24~+24 – +00 Adjusts the tuning in semitone increments.
127 127 Null Null –––
Voids the RPN and NRPN settings so no tone gener-
ator settings are changed when the following Data
Entry message is received.