Yamaha RS7000 Musical Instrument User Manual

13. The Song Jobs
RS7000 223
The Song Mode
1 Track
[Settings] 01 ~ 16, ALL
Separates the note events in a drum phrase assigned to a specified
track, and places the notes corresponding to different drum
instruments in separate tracks (tracks 1 through 8).
[Settings] 01 ~ 16
Specifies the drum track to be divided.
This job copies all data from a selected source song to a selected
destination song.
The scene/mute memory contents and local samples used by the
song are also copied.
Source Song
[Settings] 01 ~ 20
Selects the source song.
Destination Song
[Settings] 01 ~ 20
Select the destination song.
Splits a selected song into two the specified sections of a speci-
fied style.
SMF data can be easily used as a basis for patterns.
After the Normalize Play Effect job is executed the
PLAY FX, GROOVE, and MIDI DELAY parameters for
the track are initialized.
25 Divide Drum Track
Any previous data in tracks 1 ~ 8 will be overwritten.
[Knob 3] [F4]
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]
26 Copy Song
When there is no memory available in the
destination song for local sample voice data,
Too Many Local Sample Voices will appear
on the display and the sample voice data will
not be copied. If this occurs, use Sample Job
02 Delete (Page 246) to delete unused local
samples then try again.
Undo/Redo (Page 213) cannot be used to
undo/redo a sample voice copy operation.
When the [F4] (DO!) button is pressed, the
Are You Sure? Cancel [F2]/OK [F3] confir-
mation prompt will appear. [F3] will execute
the Copy Pattern job.
27 Split Song To Pattern
The job overwrites any data already existing in the
destination pattern.
[Knob 2] [Knob 3] [F4]