2. MIDI Events Handled by the RS7000
266 RS7000
1. Note ~ 9. Exclusive events are handled in the PHRASE EDIT (Page 154) and SONG EDIT (Page 225)
modes. 10. BPM (tempo) change events can be manipulated when editing the BPM track in the SONG
EDIT and PATTERN Chain Edit modes.
1. Note
• These are the events that define notes, making up the largest
portion of all performance data.
• The note name defines the pitch.
• The gate time specifies the length of the note in beats and
• Velocity is “how hard” the note is played. The bar graph to the
right is a graphic representation of the value.
Note Name C-2 ~ G8
Gate Time 000:001 ~ 999:479
Velocity 001 ~ 127
2. Pitch Bend
• Defines continuous changes in pitch.
• Pitch bend events are generated by pitch bend wheel operation
on an external keyboard.
• The data is a numerical representation of pitch bend wheel
position. The bar graph to the right is a graphic representation
of the value.
Data -8192 ~ +0000 ~ +8191
3. Program Change (PC)
• Program change events select voices.
• The bank select MSB and LSB parameters are actually
included in the Control Change category, below, but since in
the RS7000 these 3 events are used to select voices they are
grouped and described here.
• Bank select MSB and LSB select the voice bank.
• The program number selects an individual voices from the
voice category and bank number specified by the MSB and
• Refer to “Chapter 1: Basics”, page 61, for more information on
RS7000 voice banks.
Bank Select MSB 000 ~ 127
Bank Select LSB 000 ~ 127
Program Number 000 ~ 127
2. MIDI Events Handled by the RS7000
Note Name Gate time Velocity
Bank Select MSB Bank Select LSB Program