Command Syntax
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
should not be sent. If an optional field is omitted, the default for the
command is applied
[ ] Brackets indicate an optional field
| A bar indicates a logical OR choice
: A colon is used to separate command fields
< > Field indicator
The definition of elements used in SCPI/IEEE 488.2 commands and command
descriptions is as follows:
ASCII integer representation of a decimal number.
ASCII integer, fixed point or floating point representation of a decimal number.
Error/Event queue
When the command parser detects a syntax error or data range error, it places an
error message describing the error in the Error/Event queue. Bit 2 of the Status
Byte Register is set to indicate that this queue is not empty. Bit 5 of the Standard
Event Status Register (the Command Error bit) is set if the parser detects a
syntax error. Bit 4 of the Standard Event Status register (the Execution Error bit)
is set if the parser detects a numeric argument that is out of range. When a
SYSTem:ERRor? query is received, an error message is moved from the
Error/Event queue and placed in the Output queue.
Command Elements