SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Bit Definition Function
0 Calibrating Set when any CALibration operation is running. Cleared when
the CALibration operation is complete
1 Settling Set when the instrument changes its function or range. Cleared
when the all circuitry has settled
2 Ranging Set when the instrument is auto-ranging. Cleared when the
input range has been found
3 Sweeping Not used
4 Measuring Set when an INITiate command is executed. Cleared when the
command is complete or aborted
5 Triggering Not used
6 Arming Set when the instrument is waiting for an arm signal. Cleared
when the arm is received
7 Correcting Set when the instrument is performing an auto-zero operation.
Cleared when the auto-zero operation is complete
8 Testing (User 1) Set when the instrument is performing a self-test. Cleared
when the self-test is complete
9 Aborting (User 2) Set when the instrument is in the process of aborting an
operation. Cleared when the abort is complete
10 User 3 Not used
11 User 4 Not used
12 User 5 Reserved
13 Instrument Summary Not used
14 Program Running Not used
15 Reserved Always 0
Command Response/Description
stat:oper:cond? 16
Makes a measurement (0010 hex)
stat:oper:cond? 3072
Measurement complete because of ABORt (0C00 hex)