SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
INPut[1|2]:IMPedance <impedance>|DEFault
This command sets the input terminating impedance for the specified channel. If
<impedance> is less than 60, the impedance is set to 50 W. If <impedance> is
greater than 60, the impedance is set to 1E6 W (1 MW).
DEFault = 1E6
INPut[1|2]:FILTer[:LPASs]:FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum|DEFault
This command sets the input block signal lowpass filter for the selected channel.
If <frequency> is less than 30E6, the filter is set to 20E6 Hz. If <frequency> is
greater than 30E6, the filter is set to 100E6 Hz.
NOTE. This setting has no effect on the signal unless the INPut<channel>:FIL-
Ter[:LPASs][:STATe] ON command is given. The units for <frequency> are in
DEFault = 20E6
MINimum = 20E6
MAXimum = 100E6
INPut[1|2]:FILTer[:LPASs][:STATe] <filter state>|DEFault
This command sets the input block signal lowpass filter state for the selected
channel to ON or OFF.
DEFault = OFF
INPut[1|2]:GAIN <gain>|DEFault|MINimum|MAXimum
This command sets the input block signal gain for the specified channel.
DEFault = 1.0
MINimum = 0.4
MAXimum = 10.0
NOTE. When using the X10 gain, the 20 MHz filter should be turned on. This
combination provides the best sensitivity for measurements below 20 MHz. Also,
when using the X5 gain, the 100 MHz filter should be turned on. This combina-
tion provides the best sensitivity for measurements up to 100 MHz. The X1 and
X2.5 gains can be used up the full 500 MHz bandwidth of the product.
Table 3–4 shows the settings for optimum sensitivity.