SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Table 3–4: Optimum Sensitivity Settings
Measurement Gain Filter
<20 MHz X10 20 MHz
<100 MHz X5 100 MHz
<500 MHz X2.5 None
INPut[1|2]:OFFSet[:ABSolute] <absolute offset>|MINimum|MAXimum|DEFault
This command sets the offset voltage for the channel specified by the INPut
suffix. The units are volts. The offset voltage is subtracted from the signal after
the input attenuator and before the input gain.
DEFault = 0
MINimum = –1.0
MAXimum = 1.0
This command will abort any command in progress.
INPut[1|2]:OFFSet:RELative <relative offset>
This command sets the offset voltage for the channel specified by the INPut
suffix. This value will be used at INITiate to set the offset to a voltage that is
relative to the input.
INPut[1|2]:SETup <expected PTP>[,<expected offset>]
This command allows you to set up input channel one or 2 by specifying an
expected peak-to-peak input voltage and, optionally, an expected input offset
voltage. The Counter will set the input channel attenuation, offset and gain to
settings that would center the expected signal in 80% of the comparator range.
Both comparators’ slope is set to POSitive, level to 0 V and hysteresis to
INPut:SETup: <auto>
This command controls the autosetup of input channels 1 and 2. If it is set ON,
each measurement will be proceeded by an automatic setup of the input
channel(s) involved in the measurement. If it is set OFF, the current settings are
used for the measurement. For ARRay measurements, the ONCE setting will
cause an autosetup to occur only for the first measurement. For SCALar
measurements, ONCE will cause an autosetup with each measurement.
An autosetup adjusts the input channel’s attenuation, offset and gain so that the
input signal’s peak-to-peak voltage into the comparator is centered on about 80%
of the range of the comparator.